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Topics - RideForClimate

Pages: [1]
Classifieds / REI Touring bike 52cm
« on: August 15, 2011, 07:11:23 pm »
My girlfriend is selling her REI Novara Randonee touring bike. She's put only a couple hundred miles on this bike since she bought it new. This is the same model (all stock) that I rode on a 5,000 mile tour without a problem. It's not the lightest, but it is well-designed and durable. I can send pics to anyone interested. We're in CA (central coast) so shipping would add to the asking price.

2008 REI Novara Randonee touring bike, dark brown.

52cm frame (current owner is 5'7" and fits well).

Shimano Deore Triple Crank set; 11-32 cassette. Shimano LX rear derailleur, Shimano Cantilever brakes, FSA Orbit headset, Mavic rims, Shimano Tiagra STI shifters.

All original specifications/components - about 200 miles (tire nibs not worn off yet!) new.

Classifieds / FS: Carradice SQR Tour bag
« on: April 25, 2010, 08:32:18 pm »
I am selling my Carradice SQR Tour bag. It's in perfect condition. I'm selling it as I now use panniers on a 2nd bike and don't need a big bag on my road bike. It holds up to 22 lbs and it is a great addition to a road bike where you don't want to or can't add a rack. I am asking $100 plus shipping.

You can see it here:

I can send pics on request.


Cycling Events / Global warming ride across US - Begins April 21
« on: March 23, 2007, 01:56:18 pm »
Ride for Climate is a US bicycle tour to raise awareness of global warming and encourage action.

In several cities/towns where Ride for Climate will pass through, local bicycle groups will be organizing group rides. They will be listed on the website under the "Events" tab. If we don't have one in your city and you are interested in organizing one, please drop an email.

A brief description:
Starting in Boston on April 21st, two global warming experts will ride across the US, stopping along the way
to give presentations on global warming and discuss solutions. One of the riders, David Kroodsma, is a climate scientist who will have just finished an unsupported bicycle tour from California to the tip of
South America. Their presentation will discuss the science of climate change, global warming as seen from David's 15,000 mile bicycle ride, opportunities for action, and David and Bill's experience biking
across the country.

Connecting ACA Routes / Boston to Amherst to NYC route?
« on: October 13, 2006, 02:45:27 am »
Hi -

A friend and I are planning a US tour to do global warming education.
We'll be starting April 21, 2007 in Boston -- once he returns from a
15,000 mile ride to the tip of S. America ( We
plan to ride out to Amherst, MA and then down to NYC. Does anyone
have specific route suggestions for this trip? I did a search here and I
only saw one similar thread. In that thread people suggested a coastal
route and that won't work for us since we plan to go to Amherst. We
can pick up the ACA route for a part of the trip but only a small

We'll also need to put together a route from NYC through PA and then
up to Chicago where will again connect with the ACA (Northern Tier)

Any thoughts would be most appreciated. Specific road and route
suggestions would be most helpful.

If you like to hear more about our US global warming tour, drop me an
email and I will send you a message and link to our website when it is


Gear Talk / Jandd front rack - hitting frame
« on: April 16, 2007, 05:38:54 pm »
I have a Jandd extreme front rack on an REI Randonee. When you turn the wheel the rear edge of the Jandd contacts the down cable braze-ons of the Randonee along the down tube. This is not a problem for steering because you can still turn the wheel farther than you would ever need to. But I could see this being a serious problem if the bike fell over loaded and the wheel turned, possibly shearing off the braze-on.

Has anyone else had this problem? Any thoughts?


Routes / Michigan - Monroe to Muskegon
« on: March 09, 2007, 03:24:29 am »
We're looking for a route from Monroe, MI to Muskegon, MI that goes
through E. Lansing and Grand Rapids.

We asked a local cycling group, but their routes have always avoided
the cities. The MI state bicycle maps also do not show these cities.
Does anyone have suggestions for all or part of this route?

Thank You!

Routes / Lake Erie - Toledo area
« on: January 30, 2007, 11:54:09 pm »
Hi -

I'm looking for a good route to go from Huron, OH (where the ACA map route stops) on past Toledo to Monroe, MI. Does anybody have suggestions or a route sheet for that area? Perhaps we can follow the lakefront the entire way, but it looks like there could some difficulty around Toledo?

We may be coming from Bowling Green, OH or we may go directly from Huron, OH.



Routes / Indiana (South Bend area) to Chicago?
« on: January 14, 2007, 11:03:34 pm »
Does anyone have route suggestions for riding from the South Bend, IN area to Chicago?

I saw PTaylor's post about Indiana biking maps and those might do the trick if they cover the right places.

Other thoughts?



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