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Topics - hondated

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General Discussion / USA Coast to Coast
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:02:57 pm »
Hi everyone this week I met a couple over here in the Uk that intends to cycle this route to raise money for a charity in 2016 so I was wondering given its almost 3000 miles how long this would this take.
They have cycled many of the big climbs in Europe but have not actually began any sort of training to achieve this yet.

Would you say 50 miles a day was reasonable with days added in to rest. Do you think that they could complete it in 12 weeks or less.

To raise their profile in the States and hopefully acquire funding would it be worth them contacting television and radio stations to publicise what they intend to do or are the States awash with cyclists trying to raise money for charities.

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