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Topics - Wild Dave

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Tire availability
« on: November 19, 2013, 01:30:45 pm »
I'm thinking of touring in central and South America and I'm wondering is it a good idea on a bike equipped with 700  wheels.
I've heard amazon  . Com is in brazil  is this true and if so has anyone here ordered through them while on tour in S.A.?
Thank you for your time

Classifieds / SOLD- Speedplay chromoly light action pedals
« on: October 24, 2011, 03:27:37 pm »
Lightly used, smooth as silk, you can still see the "R" and "L" on the platform.
$60.00 plus shipping, they go for $115.00 brand new.
here's a link to the specs. and reviews.$(referrer)$-_-Bike%20Parts-_-SpeedPlay-_-SP-LI&CSE=GooglePS&mr:trackingCode=DB271C95-1282-DE11-B7F3-0019B9C043EB&mr:referralID=NA

thank you for your time,

Routes / current silk road tour blog
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:43:47 pm »
interesting stuff, enjoy.

Gear Talk / tire and rim compatability
« on: September 15, 2011, 05:26:10 pm »
well i got a used set of schwalbe marathon (kevlar guard wire bead) tires from a neighbor who was throwing them away, they barely have any wear on them for that i feel very lucky. i'm starting to get the impression they won't fit my mavic X517 sup rims. the tires are 26x1.75 so i bought new tubes to fit the narrower tire but the tire keeps coming off the rim as i pump it up. the rim (which i have always believed to be a 26" rim that always took 26" tires) has these other numbers on it (559x17) and the tire has these numbers on it(47-559). i suspect this may be where the problem lies, am i correct in assuming this?
 jeez, i never knew riding a bike could get so complicated, whatever happened to the good old days?
thanks for any and all imput

Gear Talk / info overload, help!
« on: September 10, 2011, 03:36:04 pm »
randoneering, touring, 650b? i want the "jeep" of bikes that'll ride the road, ride the dirt, option to ride in different parts of the world with easily obtainable parts, sturdy, reliable,time tested frame.
   i have a middle weight gear package from years of long distance hiking.
pbh-80, 5'9.5'' tall/ fairly short legs and fairly long torso, 190 lbs, budget @ $1.500.00. give or take $500.00, or maybe just a little more.
  i've browsed online at soma saga, surley l.h.t., velo orange, drooled over some rivendells, sevens, i.f.'s. most likey this will be my one and only touring bike as i'm not a spring rooster anymore, so would like to purchase a ride that'll stand the test of time.
 thanks for any and all imput

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