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Topics - TonyTourer

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Broken Forks on Dawes Galaxy
« on: March 06, 2005, 04:26:12 pm »
I saw on another forum page recently that that someone had broken the front forks on their Dawes Galaxy. I too had this exciting experience this summer on a particularly steep part of the UK coast to coast ride.  My bike was only two years old and had done just two tours.

HAS ANYONE ELSE had this happen to their Dawes?  Is there a systematic fault?

[BTW: it took Dawes 6 months to replace the forks - with a nice black pair to "match" my silver bike.  Oh, and the new forks don't have retention lips.  Nice one Dawes!]

Routes / California Wine Country
« on: June 06, 2004, 10:13:34 pm »
We am planning a short break to the Californian Wine Country - any advice on routes or accomodation.  We plan to cycle, maybe 50 miles per day and prefer backroads to main thoroughfares

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