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Topics - Lingen

Pages: [1]
Routes / Bicycle Route 66
« on: November 07, 2015, 02:39:56 pm »
It is noted in the ride overview,  "Bicycle Route 66 travels west on bike paths, county roads and state, federal and interstate highways."

Most of the journals I've seen posted seem to go west.

Are there reasons that it shouldn't be ridden from West to East?


Routes / Pacific Coast in January-February
« on: October 04, 2011, 01:50:08 pm »
I am considering riding from Astoria to San Diego via the ACA route.  The only time available for me is Jan-Feb.  Last year on my 1st ever tour, I did the Southern Tier because it would be the "warmest" of the ACA routes during Jan-Feb.  On many days, I rode with added layers, a hat and gloves and was able to tolerate the cold mornings and evenings.

Of all the ACA routes, I am thinking that the Pacific Coast might be the next choice for my available (Jan-Feb) time off.    I know it will get warmer as I head south but I really would like to include the WA & OR section.  I will be happy to be in a motel for most nights and will be prepared to ride in cool weather. 

What type of weather can I expect?  Is it realistic to think this route can be done in Jan-Feb?
In general, should I expect snow on the northern coastal roads? Does it last long or melt away quickly because of the coast?
Are motels usually available during this season?

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

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