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Topics - Gif4445

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Routes / Flooding in Texas Hill Country?
« on: October 29, 2018, 10:09:35 pm »
Anybody with first or second hand knowledge concerning the Texas Hill Country? I know there was some terrible flooding in areas. I've got a friend who has asked me to come along for some riding out of Fredericksburg, but I question how "ridable" the area is.

I attempted to download section 8 of the TA trail onto my iPhone. Call me stupid, but I can't get it.    I did the purchase and got the sales order confirmation email.  When I select the "TransAmerican bicycle Trail Digital Section 8" in the email body, I get the zip file which has a "open in" prompt.  Selecting that, I get the option of opening it as a text, email, note or iCloud drive. Neither are successful and ultimately lead me to a screen that has "TA08_20160405  Zip archive 118 KB".  Just a dead end screen, that doesn't respond in no way shape or fashion. All of these activites/attempts have been on my iPhone.  Any help would be appreciated.

General Discussion / Help me decide on this last minute tour.
« on: August 23, 2014, 12:21:53 pm »
I've taken a September tour each of the last 3 years and have a chance to do it again this year. Problem is, I have not decided where to go. Background info: I live in SC Nebraska. Tour #1 in 2011 was from home to Breck CO. ( Tour #2 in '12 was to the Black Hills and back ( ), and last year I started on the west coast and pedaled to Yellowstone ( ).

1...This year I have a free ride to Billings MT, on Sept. 8, if I choose to take it. From there, I could go North to Glacier, south to Yellowstone and pick up where I left off last year.

2...Or go directly to Yellowstone from Billings and pick up where I left off. Then pedal the TA as far as Breck and go easterly to home.

3...Or I could just pedal toward CO (and leave a week earlier) and hit all the mountain passes and such that I can in 3 weeks or so. Like Trail Ridge, Rabbit ears, Mt. Evans (If I physically can!), and points in Western CO that a friend living out there has suggested.

4...Or take off for Missouri and the Katy Trail.

I'm sitting here pondering and decided I would throw all this info out to the knowledgeable people on AC. Your thoughts please!

 I need Advice from those that know.  Looking long and hard at riding the Sierra Cascades ACA route in September.  My preference is to  "credit card camp".  How doable is this?  I probably won't have time to ride the entire route so where are the problem areas?  I don't have the maps and know that they will tell the tale.  Just don't want to make the purchase unless there is a chance to CCC.   I am a medium to strong rider and can do the century days.  Thanks in Advance!

Routes / Directional recomendation for Feb 1 start on ST
« on: February 03, 2013, 04:32:03 pm »
Starting to make plans for doing the Southern Tier a year from now.  I need to start around the first of February.  I assume an east to west direction is the choice of most?  To those of you who have done the ST in that time frame, what direction is the best as far as temps,wind and the like?  Or those that have done extensive research.  I'm a mid 50's, 4000 mile/year male, with shorter (1000 m) tour experience.   Farmer by trade.  Hence, I need to be back home in Nebraska by the first part of April.

General Discussion / Good workout supplement to cycling?
« on: April 03, 2012, 02:22:14 pm »
Just wondering if anyone has some good advice or direction on a good workout to supplement cycling?  I am really wanting something that can be done at home and focuses on the muscle groups that get neglected on the bike.  If it is in video form, that would be even better.  In absence of that, what do all of you out there do?

Gear Talk / For CC Touring:Trek 1.2 or Surly LHT?
« on: March 05, 2012, 09:37:28 pm »
For credit card touring, what would be best?  Trek 1.2 or a Surly LHT(or equivalent).  I currently have a Trek 1.2 that I took on an 8 day CC tour, covering 500 miles, last summer.  The experience taught me some lessons and made me aware of some of the shortcomings of the Trek.  The short wheel base was a little bit of a problem when my heel struck the panniers.  Repositioned and panniers caught the spokes.  The rack was a Bontrager interchange unit, that didn't protect the spokes adequately.. Used 2 rear panniers mounted on that rack.  About 25 lbs or so on the rear.  Nothing on the front.  Carried an adequate amount of gear for a CCT.   Just wondering if the ride would be improved significantly with a steel bike and longer wheel base, like the Surly LHT could provide.  I am looking at doing the Trans Con (hopefully CCT) within the next few years if that is a deal maker or breaker.  Thanks

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