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Topics - tompritch

Pages: [1]
GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Garmin 1030
« on: February 13, 2018, 08:11:18 pm »
Does anyone know if and when if ACA with will be adding the Garmin 1030 to their GPS Devices list? I tried to download GPX map and received an error message. Planning trip in the near future.

On the UGRR route from "Owensburo, KY and Milford, OH" Section 3, map panel 35 is a bridge that is crossing the Ohio River. Connecting Madison, In to Milton, Ky is under construction. During the year of 2012 the bridge is planning to be shut down for a total of 10 days. If you wish, you may visit this website to follow the progress and will be advised when those days of closing will be. If you wish, you may contact me if you should need to get updated iinformation. My contact email is 

Since the last response above.. Bridge is planning to be closed temp. for 5 days. Starting from April 25th through April 29th.

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