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Topics - Ed_in_Maine

Pages: [1]
Routes / Status of detour around Williston ND aera?
« on: March 08, 2012, 03:57:57 pm »
Hello All,
I'm riding the NTR east to west this spring and was wondering if any decent routes have been developed around the Williston oil boom area. I've recently seen some news stories and a CNBC show on the oil boom and frankly I'm terrified to go near that area. I know those hard working oil field workers need to blow off steam after weeks of 12 hour days but I don't want to be sharing the road with them.
Any thoughts to detouring due west out of the St Paul MN area and in to South Dakota? Then what?

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Garmin Edge 800, will it work...
« on: December 23, 2011, 05:11:43 pm »
Hi all,
I really like the Edge 800. The HR, Cadence, and that cool riding partner are what puts this over something like the eTrex 20. I'm riding the NTR starting in May. The issue that I see may be a deal killer is the internal battery and combined speed/cadence sensor. First can anyone tell me how fast it will recharge after a full day discharge? And how is it charged? Next is that sensor, I'll be riding a Trident recumbent trike so the crank does not overlap the rear tire to allow a combined sensor. Anyone know if the functions can use separate sensors?
Any other big issues?
The main reason I do like this unit is it can double for training for an Triathlon later(not on the trike naturally:).

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