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Topics - miamimarty

Pages: [1]
South Atlantic / Ocean Highway in Georgia
« on: May 24, 2012, 07:43:54 pm »
I am riding from Jacksonville to Richmond Hill, Ga., outside of Savanah next month and would like to know if anyone has been on the Ocean Highway (Rte. 17) and what kind of condition is it in for cyclists. This is the first leg of a 1400 mile ride to Maine and while the Adventure cycling maps show a route more inland, I want to stick to the coast as much as possible.

Routes / Getting Around New York City
« on: March 30, 2012, 02:27:00 pm »
I am doing the eastern seaboard in June from Jacksonville to Maine and taking the coastal route. My challenge is I have to get from Red Bank, NJ which is close to the shore, to Norwalk, CT., without getting crushed by the metro traffic around Newark, Manhattan and that entire megalopolis.
One suggestion is to take a train from the shore to Manhattan and ride the Hudson River pathway. Another was to take a ferry to the South Shore area by the Brooklyn Bridge and ride the East River bike path.
Not familiar with either. By going back to the ACA suggested route would add three days to my trip which I don't have.
Suggestions are appreciated.

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