General Discussion / Companions needed for Trans America Trip in late June - Seattle, WA start
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:47:42 am »This June, near the end of the month, I leave for a Trans America bicycle trip starting in the Seattle, WA area and ending in an undetermined area on the East Coast. It will be the adventure of a lifetime and I look forward to it wholeheartedly. One issue though: I have no one to accompany me! This is a shot in the dark, but I figured I'd throw the idea out there and see if anyone is interested in joining me. For the entirety of the trip or for just segments of it.
The route is mostly open for adjustments. I won't go into great detail, but there are only two places I need to be on certain dates. They are the following:
July 4th: Colville, WA - Visiting friends for the holiday.
July 20th: Council Bluffs, IA - RAGBRAI ( - Big biker ride in Iowa.
A bit of a hustle to get between these two locations, but the rest of the trip can be as care-free as needed.
A little about me.
I'm a male, 29 years old. I enjoy biking and camping immensely and relish the physical/mental challenges of both. With this said, I think you will find me good company on a journey that could provide some trying days.
I feel group dynamic is important for such a trip and with that said would prefer people in the area of my own age (21-35). However I'm willing to meet anyone interested in this trip. I guess you just never know who's going to 'click' and I'd be doing myself a disservice by screening people.
Things I can provide: A tent that sleeps 2/3 and cooking ware for the same amount. A stove and pots.
I've left out tons of details! This I know. This post is more to see if anyone would even be interested in such a trip. If so more details will be provided. If people are still interested, at that point arrangements to meet should be made (granted you are also in the Seattle are). This would be a serious commitment and meeting each other in person is a necessary step.
Hope to hear from you. Take care!