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Topics - Aerohip

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Classifieds / 2020 World Tour
« on: October 10, 2019, 12:04:14 am »
Hello, I'll be turning 60 in November and I will be retiring next Summer. I plan on leaving early to mid August. Vancouver to Mexico to Central America and South America. Then it's off to Europe. I'm wary of doing this alone. Anyone out there want to see the world with me? I love camping and seeing the world so I'm okay doing 60 or 160 km a day. Get in touch if interested, thanks.

General Discussion / First Major Tour Advice
« on: October 31, 2013, 08:32:57 pm »
Hi guys, next April I will be buying my Surly LHT and will do some overnight and long weekend Touring next Summer. I plan on Touring the US in 2015(I'm in Canada)I'm not sure what I'll be spending each day. I will camp and use Warmshowers alot, but is $20-$30 per day for food acceptable? How long could I go with around $10,000? Would that last a year? Or perhaps see the US for 6 Months then go to Europe for a few Months?

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