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Topics - Ali Elazhary

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / [California] SF to SD Biking Trip
« on: July 20, 2014, 04:09:56 pm »
Hey All!

Si I am currently planning a biking trip between the days Aug17th till Aug 30th between SF to SD and have the following questions;

How challenging is it? I am a casual biker, I live in the city and I do not bike often. I do exercise though but not heavily. and I am 22, can I go through it?**thats my main concern now

What are the best ways to plan my trip? I came across the book "Bicycling The Pacific Coast" and seems helpful, an other advice?

Any links to previous threads covering the same topic would be really helpful

Any other advice or heads up would be great

Thank you so much  :D :D :D

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