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Topics - vkalia

Pages: [1]
Routes / Namibia
« on: March 21, 2009, 10:44:02 am »
Hi all - I am planning a 4 week cycling trip through Namibia in July or thereabouts.   Am starting the planning process.  I see there is one trip report on CGOAB covering Namibia/S Africa but a search of this forum didnt reveal much.

So - anyone cycled through Namibia and care to share some info: useful routes, issues to be aware of, etc?  I have a few guidbooks and will be putting together an itinerary from there but pretty much any tidbit would be useful.

This will be my first extended tour, FWIW... however, I am a reasonably well-seasoned Africa hand, having spent about 6 months in various parts of southern and eastern Africa on all sorts of budgets ($25/day to $400/day). 


Gear Talk / Oxford Low Rider panniers
« on: March 04, 2009, 03:11:45 pm »
I am in the market for a set of front and rear panniers for 2-3 week independent touring (mostly staying in hotels but also packing some camping gear).   Rainproof (ability to withstand tropical monsoon rains) is a must. 

I was looking at the JandD and the bags seem pretty nicely made, but I refuse to pay $100 or so for a set of rain covers.  And in that same vein of general principle, I get a major burr in my saddle when I look at the Ortlieb glorified drybags for $200 a pop.   Now, I understand the value of good luggage - but to me, $400+ for 4 simple bags is way too much.  I'll pay it if I have no other choice, but I'd prefer to get something a little more sensibly priced. 

Enter Chain Reaction cycles.  The Oxford bags seem well-specced, come with a rain cover and are reasonably priced as well.   Any experiences with them?

Alternatively, any other suggestions for good, waterproof (or with rain cover) panniers?    I've gone through quite a few archived discussions on this, but the rain resistance bit is one that has not really been stressed.

I am looking at something in the 3000l for the rear panniers and 1500l range for the front panniers.  I dont necessarily want the cheapest panniers out there - am happy to pay for high-quality products, but while staying within the limits of good value.


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