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Topics - Travis Switzer

Pages: [1]
There is currently weekday road construction on SR 9 between CR 33 near Kremmling, CO and CR 30 near Heeney, CO. Cyclists report this section is rideable as of 19 May 2016. More information can be obtained here:

Travis Switzer
GIS Specialist/Cartographer
Routes & Mapping Dept.

Adventure Cycling Association
150 E. Pine St.
Missoula, MT 59802
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle

Some TransAmerica riders in the past have chosen to go off the mapped route and travel on US 50 between Hutchinson and Newton, KS. Construction of four passing lanes on this section of US 50 is currently underway, and this shortcut is NOT ADVISED for traveling cyclists. Please travel on the official Adventure Cycling mapped route along Dutch Ave., or reference for appropriate detours and road construction updates.


Travis Switzer
GIS Specialist/Cartographer
Routes & Mapping Dept.

Adventure Cycling Association
150 E. Pine St.
Missoula, MT 59802
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle

Pages: [1]