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Topics - Gordon02

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Learning a Foreign Language
« on: September 05, 2023, 06:41:48 pm »
Is there a foreign language instruction source that focuses on the dialogue commonly used during a bicycle tour?  I am planning to spend several weeks in Japan in seven months, and I hope not to waste a great deal of time trying to learn, in vain, terms that are not likely to be used. 

Mid-Atlantic / Mid April 2023 Pittsburgh to Ithaca tour research
« on: January 13, 2023, 07:59:38 pm »
Hello cycling community, I live in Oregon and my son is a student in Ithaca, NY.  My intention is to watch his bicycle race on April 22, 23 in the northeast, and I am thinking that I could do some riding of my own to make the most of the transcontinental flight.  Four days of bicycling across the 330-ish miles from Pittsburgh to Ithaca seems reasonable, carrying camping gear.  My request is for good sources of information on how to plan such a tour: looking for smooth pavement with minimal vehicular threat/fear and seeking campground wisdom in general (will they be open in mid-April?).  I might do the same ride southbound after the race viewing.  Or perhaps I'll ride to Boston?   Your thoughts would be appreciated.  Respectfully, Peter Hewitt

Food Talk / Tour of Bike.Camp.Cook
« on: November 30, 2017, 04:36:11 pm »
Might there be interest in forming a team of bicycle tourists who are as committed to working its way efficiently through an entire cook book, such as Tara Allen's Bike.Camp.Cook, as it is committed to traversing any particular geography?   

I am planning to ride across the US this coming summer.   Last summer, while traveling east in Maine on the northern tier, I found that I needed to look at my map every mile or three, which was tiresome.  Might the eTrex 30 or another GPS unit make map checking less frequent/cumbersome?   
With thanks,  PH

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