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Topics - alessandra

Pages: [1]
Pacific Northwest / wildfires along the pc
« on: September 05, 2017, 09:09:41 pm »
Hello, I'm starting my trip on the pc, from seattle to san francisco. Tonight I've been evacuated from the campgeound justat the entrance of mount rainier np because of a wilfire, and I underztand that things are even worser down the coast in southern oregon. What to you suggest, shall I change my plans? To ride where? Knowing that I have my flight back early october from san francisco.I can move to a different area, but not too far, and I have to be back in sf anyway

Pacific Northwest / Bike transportation in Seattle Area
« on: August 15, 2017, 05:20:06 am »

I will have to go from Seattle to Auburn, to join the SC.
I found a train line (Sounder Train), it carries bicycles but its schedules are pretty weird (I must leave in the morning, and no train circulates between 6:50AM and 2PM).
Or a bus line (578) but I can't see if the bus has bike racks.
Anyone may help me?

General Discussion / 6 week trip from Seattle to San Francisco
« on: July 05, 2017, 10:21:32 am »
I plan to travel by bike from WA to CA next september, starting from Seattle to end in San Francisco. This is the general idea, but I need some help for the details.
I would like to combine three cycling routes: the Olympic lap, the Pacific Coast and the Sierra Cascades.
I only have 6 weeks and I can ride in average 50 miles per day. So I can count on about 1500 miles.
Olympic and Seattle are mandatory for me, but for the rest I don't know what to choose: everybody says the Oregon coast is beautiful, but that would mean I shall say goodbye to Mount Rainer, maybe Crater Lake, Lassen Volcanic...
My priority: great landscapes. Last year I've travelled from Montana to Arizona thru the Parks, so the competition is rude! But I know that in the US there is more, (maybe not better).
Would you advise to take a transport to switch some not so interesting area, to spare energy and miles to reach Yosemite? Is that possible (to take a bus or something)? I would arrive there at the end of september, sounds a good time.

Please, let me know what you think about it, and see you soon on the routes!

I'm Italian and lookng for a great bike trip in the USA in July and August 2016. I have about 6 weeks to ride and I would like to see some National Park and as much as country as possible. I don't go very fast, about 70 KM per day. My first choice is for the instant the Sierra Cascades, from Seattle to Yosemite (planning to go back to SF by train or coach: is it possible?). But I don't know if 6 weeks are enough knowing that I would like to spend some time in the different parks.
I also hesitate because my dream would be to see Yellowstone.
Can you suggest me a likely trip that includes Yellowstone and grand scenaries all around, and possibly not too difficult to manage with the intercontinental flights?
Thank you in advance and see you on the roads  ;)

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