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Topics - Prairieboy43

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Pannier Discussion
« on: June 13, 2016, 10:08:12 pm »
I am looking for a strong pannier. front/rear. With aluminum inside pannier for strength instead of plastic. I have found plastic breaks over time. aluminium's stronger and light, lasts forever. I might have to make my own.
Thank You
PB43 :o :o

General Discussion / Hello All, Happy to be cycling again
« on: May 05, 2016, 07:54:29 pm »
Hello, all New to this forum. Canadian reborn cyclist. Just happy to be riding again. Been off for a few decades. Last long tour 87 Europe/ North Africa. Enjoyed riding bike around Europe, but disliked long uphills. However the hills build character. Buddy I ride are back to cycling again in Edmonton, Alberta. Feels good to rack up 50 miles a day. We plan on a 100 miler this summer. One thing I am looking at is the purchase of a new touring bike for wife/myself. I am looking for a fast Chro/Mo bike, not Mtn bike too slow. Also anyone have experience with Rohloff hubs?
Thank You
PB43 8)

Canada / Canada EH??
« on: May 05, 2016, 07:43:45 pm »
Where are all the Canadian Cyclists?? My buddy and I are cycling Edmonton trail systems. They are great along the river? Cycled Fort Saskatchewan. Good lite ride.
Anyone?? 8)

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