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Topics - corvalliskelly

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Youth Bicyle Travel / best type of tagalong (trail-a-bike) for touring
« on: October 15, 2016, 10:19:58 am »
My son is 4.5 years old and has just about outgrown his Burley trailer.  We have done lots of day rides and commuting to/from school, and now I would like to take him on multi-day bike tours.  (I'm an experienced cycle tourist.)  He has a kid's bike with training wheels, so I think he has a feel for sitting and balancing on a bike.  My Q: I'm not sure what type of tagalong would be best for cycle touring.  I'm considering the Weehoo i Go, but would like input from other folks before I purchase it.  I've considered a tandem and modifying the stoker's pedals for him, but a tandem seems like a lot of $$$ and perhaps something for us to consider when he gets a little older.  Thanks!

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