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Topics - aggie

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General Discussion / Updated ACA website and 5 year plan
« on: June 29, 2024, 11:41:45 am »
If you are a life member you received an invitation to a webinar about the new 5 year plan.  While I find most of it in line with the reason I became a life member I find one aspect both encouraging and distressing.  ACA's plan to go digital.

If you had an account prior to March 1 and purchased digital maps they were recorded in your account and it was easy to update them or transfer them to a new device.  This is no longer the case.  Some of they purchases may have transferred but not all.  It will require a call to ACA to get access (hopefully, but don't hold your breath).  The new plan will reduce the magazine to a quarterly publication with the intent to have it go 100% digital.  Have you tried to find a digital back issue after signing in on the new website.  3 months later and I am unable to obtain a digital back issue like I did before.  I enjoy having a printed copy in my hands.  Digital feels unreal and sterile.  The webinar also touted increased benefits from sponsors.  Where is the link to even see what benefits you enjoy as a member.   Even after signing in you are taken to the same page as non-members and unable to access anything requiring membership.  The web page asks you to join even though I am signed in. The only good going to your info in "My Account" is to see if your name, address, email address, and phone # is correct.  These are just a couple of the issues I've seen with the migration in my account.  I'm sure there are others.   

While I really don't have an issue with ACA going digital I find it concerning they tout it yet they haven't fixed the issues with the migration and there has been no communication about any fixes.  This makes it appear like they are ignoring the problem.  The functionality of the website appears to be no different than it was the day after the migration.  Not sure how this is supposed to make long term members feel they are getting at least a little value for their past contributions.   It seems all the turnover of staff has resulted in hiring people without any connection to the roots or original direction of ACA.  While ACA was never in my estate plan I have taken a very skeptical view of new fundraising appeals. 

As you may be aware, ACA recently updated their web page and I required everyone to sign up for a new account.  They indicated all information in your "old" account would transfer over to the "new" account.  This may be true in the future but if you have purchased GPX maps not all of them may show in your "new" account.  This will make updating your maps at this time is not possible if you are going to be using them in the near future.  It may require you to call ACA to have them send you a link to be able to get the most recent update (if any).  I'm hoping all the old data gets transferred to the "new" account but it may take some time. 

Cycling Events / Nevada Portion of Wesern Express
« on: August 04, 2023, 11:08:13 am »
There is a fully supported ride on the Nevada portion of the Western Express.  The organizer had done the ride for the last 31 years but he is retiring and this may be the last year he does this ride (it is called OATBRAN).  He also did 2 rides around Lake Tahoe but he is retiring so he sold the rights to those rides to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society so they will be doing those rides in the future.  If you ever wanted a fully supported ride to see the wide open vistas of Nevada on Hwy 50 this year may be your last chance.

General Discussion / No moderators?
« on: August 19, 2022, 10:05:08 am »
Are there no moderators for the regional forums?   There is a reported post in the California forum about a Chinese mining company.  Clearly not appropriate yet it hasn’t been removed.  This is a duplicate post that was removed from other forums. 

General Discussion / Recent Amtrak experience
« on: June 08, 2022, 07:35:07 pm »
I made reservations for a trip from Fullerton, CA to Whitefish, MT about six months ago unaware of changes Amtrak has made to taking a bicycle on this route.

I was informed there wasn’t carry on service from Portland on train 28 so bike needed to be boxed.  I was not aware boxed bicycles are no longer available on the Pacific Surfliner.  I was told to carry it on and box it in Los Angeles (couldn’t even box it myself as the train doesn’t take them). The train from Fullerton was a little late so when I arrived in LA I was told there wasn’t time to box it and get it on the train so I carried it on again.  I was told I could box it in Portland - wrong.  Again told I couldn’t box it.  They made an exception and let me carry it on if I signed a damage waiver (no damage).  I was also told they don’t check baggage to Whitefish.  Yet when I got there they had baggage service.  At every station I was told something that didn’t happen at the next station.  Changes made because of Covid has negatively affected their service.

Don’t get me wrong I love traveling by train and have taken many trips.  Although I am not sure I will use them again.  Maybe less of a hassle flying.

General Discussion / C&O trail
« on: July 29, 2021, 07:56:52 pm »
I am currently riding the C&O from Cumberland to DC.  IMO this has to be one of the poorest maintained trails in the country.  I understand NPS is underfunded but it appears they do absolutely no trail maintenance other than a bit of mowing.  The trail is extremely rough, rutted and muddy (even without rain).  It seems like an unmaintained logging road with rocks, roots, ruts and holes.  They have closed part of the trail (signage) near the Paw Paw tunnel for no apparent good reason.  There isn’t any work currently being done on the cliff face that would necessitate a horribly difficult detour.  The GAP trail is a paved (even though it isn’t paved - just crushed limestone) superhighway compared to the C&O.

There is a wildfire burning near Globe, AZ.  It appears to have closed Hwy 70 east of Globe.  There doesn’t appear to be an alternative route.

General Discussion / Touring after Chemotherapy
« on: January 23, 2021, 09:29:15 am »
Has anyone done a tour after chemotherapy?  How long were you off your bike?  How long after chemo were you able to tour?  Do you lose much muscle mass during chemo?  Did you take any precautions as you began to ride after chemo?

Cycling Events / Bike ride across Nevada part of Western Express
« on: August 24, 2020, 01:41:44 pm »
I will be working SAG on this ride and it should be an interesting time with all the measures in place to keep Covid transmission to a minimum.  Not sure many organized rides have taken place this year.  I'll post a review after the ride is over as it runs from Sept 27 to Oct 3. 

Gear Talk / BOB cargo trailers discontinued
« on: August 22, 2020, 10:54:13 am »
I've had two people tell me BOB no longer makes the Yak or Ibex cargo trailers.  Is this accurate?  I haven't been able to find anything online to confirm this information.

Routes / Pony Express Route?
« on: October 07, 2019, 04:13:18 pm »
The recent Bike Bits had a link to an interesting article about a woman who researched, mapped and rode a route along the original Pony Express Route.  Wonder if it would be possible for ACA to create a mostly gravel/dirt route along the route she created?

Routes / Ferry from Ft. Meyers to Key West
« on: August 04, 2019, 06:10:41 pm »
Has anyone taken the  Key West ferry recently?  I was thinking to taking the ferry to Key West and then riding up the coast however the website for the ferry makes it seem like a touring equipped bicycle won't be permitted.  This is from the website  Bicycles must be single, standard size with absolutely no attachments, luggage racks, trailers, etc..  It appears a trailer is a definite no-go along with recumbents and tandems but it also seems as if racks are also not permitted. 

Routes / Hwy 98 - Florida
« on: July 20, 2019, 05:33:32 pm »
Has anyone ridden Hwy 98 in Florida this year?  I'm thinking of riding it as an alternative to the Southern Tier from Pensacola towards St. Augustine.  I'm particularly interested in the recovery of restaurants and hotels.

General Discussion / Article on Local Bike Shops (LBS)
« on: June 12, 2019, 11:25:07 am »
Interesting reading. Hope the link works.  Headline from Bicycling “Hey, Bike Shops: Stop treating customers like garbage”

Looks like the C&O trail still has a number of areas that are closed due to the heavy rains last year (May) that washed out parts of the trail.  No telling when the damage will be repaired.  It appears some closures affect the spur through Lancaster, PA on the NYC to Chicago trail.  Here is the website for updates to the trail.

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