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Topics - pearsa

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / New to bike touring, minneapolis-->marfa-->eureka
« on: January 13, 2018, 12:49:11 pm »
Hi all,

I am beginning to plan a bike trip, starting in May, perhaps late April. I am an experienced bike commuter, mostly riding on city roads with bike lanes, and I'm used to a 8 mile-each-way commute. Planning on camping the whole time. But I am determined!

Ideally, my route would be:

Minneapolis, MN
Memphis TN
Austin, TX
Marfa, TX
Point Reyes, CA
Eureka, CA

Is this a crazy trip idea??? Aiming pretty low for my milage at the beginning of the trip, like 50 a day, hopefully increasing as the trip goes. My main concern is ending up in Texas when it is insanely hot. Any advice would be appreciated, especially how to plan the routes and things to avoid/look for when planning what roads to ride on.


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