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General Discussion / eBike tours in Pairs
« on: September 16, 2019, 10:17:25 pm »
Wife and I are going to be in Paris Oct 14-20 and I'm thinking of booking an e Bike tour of the city.  Does anyone have experience with this and was it safe?  My partner is not die hard cyclist so I'm looking for a chill effort...I've been wanting to ride one of those things and what could be a better place?

Sorry if this in not the correct sub for this question.

Routes / Sierra Cascades section 3 - Hwy 89
« on: July 15, 2019, 07:23:44 pm »
We just completed Section 3 of the Sierra Cascades this last week and I wanted to share my opinion(s) regarding the route.  Due to time we started our trip in Medford, dropping off the rental at the airport and riding the Bear Creek Greenway to Ashland where we spend out first night.  The next four days we rode/survived Hwy 89 headed towards our destination of Truckee, CA.

1. I'm not aware of Hwy 89's condition in other areas, but there was little or no shoulder for four days, riding with gear and competing with the logging trucks made for some stressful miles.  In previous tours we've ridden Hwy 1 and thought it was somewhat dangerous...Hwy 89 takes it to a new level of "dangerous".

2. From the CA border to Old Station resources are very slim, if nonexistent, markets that were on the map were closed or boarded the town of Montague (5.5 hours after our start), we found water in the City Hall bathrooms.  On day two between Mt. Shasta and Old Station we located water at an RV park that had old bottled water...we bought everything they had.  Both days we rode for 5.5+ hours before we found water.  I understand suffering is part of bike touring, but not dehydration.  This area is desolate and sparsely inhabited which explains why there are no stores / resources for bike touring.

3. Mount Lassen might be one of my favorite rides of all time...since it's a Nat'l Park logging trucks are not allowed.  The climb is not steep and the views keep your mind off of the 33 miles to the top...but what a downhill!  It seemed like the downhill section lasted all the way to Chester where we have hotel reservations.

4. We took the advise of the AC map and planned on using the Plumas Transit shuttle service, but the 6am shuttle could only accommodate two bikes.  If you have a larger group then two you'll need to wait for the 10am shuttle.  We took a second shuttle from Quincy to Graeader as the first shuttle driver was adamant that we take a second one to Graeader.  Graeader is a nice affluent High Sierra community, very pretty and tons of resources. we started riding at 3pm and finishing in Truckee just after 7pm.

Observation:  We did not see any other bike touring groups the first two days, after spending two days staring at my rear view mirror and the absence of a road after the fog line, it makes perfect sense.  Why would you want to ride this route unless you have no other options...I would take the coastal route instead of Hwy 89.  The resources listed on the RC map were closed or had been boarded up long ago.

Regards, Dave

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