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Topics - Juliana

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Cycling across the US (east to west)
« on: September 03, 2020, 02:31:12 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I'm planning to start cycling in mid September from Washington, DC, and head toward California. I will likely bike down the east coast and then westward from Florida to California, to get decent weather as we move through fall toward winter. My substantive goal is to video blog about migrant women's rights amid COVID-19.

I would love this Adventure Cycling crowd to be a supportive community as I go! Let me know if you have any suggestions for fundraising cycling trips, publicizing the content (social media, places to publish articles, media coverage) -- as well as cycling routes, gear, camping, etc. And tell me if you'd like to join in for part of it.

Warm wishes to all,


Routes / Biking New England in July
« on: May 09, 2020, 04:45:27 pm »
Hi Everyone! I'd like to cycle in Vermont/New Hampshire/Maine in July.
I'd like a combination of coast, farmland, small towns, and woods
I have a hybrid bike with upright handlebars, and a rack for paniers.
I can bring a tent with me, to sleep outside.
Here are my biggest challenges:
- I work a full time job (remotely)! So 9-5 M-F I need a roof, electricity, and phone reception and to look presentable on Zoom!
- Weekdays I can ride 6-9am and 5-8pm. On weekends and July 4 I can ride all day. Not super in shape and I don't have a speedy bicycle, so 20 miles on weekdays and 40 on weekends?
- What are the best practices regarding coronavirus? For food, lodging, and riding.
- What's a good loop? I can see that there are three relevant routes: Atlantic Coast, Green Mountains, and Northern Tier. I'm trying to figure out where I can leave my car and get back to it. I'll be driving to the area from Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Thanks everyone!

Southwest / Biking from Brownsville or Austin to San Diego
« on: February 28, 2020, 05:18:17 am »
Hi Friends, I'm planning to cycle from either Brownsville or Austin, Texas, to San Diego. Looking for ideas!

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