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Topics - hbrueckman

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On Atlantic Coast Sec 02 northwest of the town of Belvidere, there is a road closure on Riverton Rd. which is expected to be closed until February 2023. There is a 3 mi. detour around this section that is signed and follows low trafficked rural roads. This detour can be found here: For more information and updates call Upper Mount Bethel Township at 570-897-6127.

Haley Brueckman
ACA GIS Specialist / Cartographer

On CNY Sec 03 map, SR 149 is closed just west of Stewartsville due to a slide repair construction project. This closure is expected to last until October 31, 2022. Ohio DOT has provided a detour that leaves the route in Warnock going south on SR 9. Eastbound riders should prepare for 1-2 miles of steep grade on SR 9. The rest of the detour follows SR 147 through rural areas. The detour is 10.4 mi and can be followed in the reverse for westbound riders. Due to another detour caused by a bridge closure in Wheeling, WV, ACA suggests taking the detour that Ohio DOT provided, and then connecting with the other detour ACA has posted.  These two detours connect at the junction of SR 147 and SR 665.

This short term detour can found here:
The Wheeling bridge maintenance closure detour forums post can be found here:

For more information and updates on the construction in Ohio check out this link:

Haley Brueckman
ACA GIS Specialist / Cartographer

The Radford Fire ( is burning in the San Bernardino National Forest south of Big Bear Lake causing road closures on SR 38. Much of the ACA routing on SR 38 within map panel 67 is closed and surrounding areas are being evacuated. The fire started 9/5/22 and is expected to grow.  It is recommended to avoid map panel 67 at this time and instead reroute through San Bernardino.

We have created a 30 mi. reroute that begins at Crestline, CA and connects back to the route on map panel 68 at the junction of SR 38 and Bryant St. Click this link for the Ride with GPS reroute For Southbound riders the detour begins with a steep descent into the valley on SR 18, and then continues through residential roads until it connects back to the main route. For north bound riders there is an alternate option while ascending SR 18 onto Old Waterman Canyon Rd., which is a two lane road with no shoulder, but less traffic. Old Waterman Canyon Rd. is 3 mi. and connects back to SR 18.

Haley Brueckman
ACA GIS Specialist/Cartographer

From South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks: South Playhouse Rd. in Custer State Park is temporarily closed from the junction of SR 16A (Iron Mountain Rd.) to Center Lake Rd. This is expected to be in effect until mid-September. Here is a link to the Game, Fish, and Parks announcement that has more information.
Due to the remote nature of this area, our suggestion is to follow the main route from Hill City to Keystone. The posted detour follows unvetted roads and increases the mileage dramatically.

-Haley ACA Cartographer

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