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Topics - tanslacks

Pages: [1]
Pacific Northwest / Another one way question
« on: February 09, 2011, 09:26:47 pm »
Hi everyone,

Last year I did the West coast route by flying to Portland and a friend drove me to Victoria. I live down in southern California, so anyway, my wife met me in the Redwoods and rode with me for three days and decided she loves touring, so this summer we have a few days off and are going to ride from like Lincoln to Brookings. She can only do about forty miles a day, much less than I prefer, but I am very excited to tour with her.

So our plan is to drive to Brookings, leave the car and find transport to Lincoln or there abouts. So far I have found the Curry transport that can get us from Brookings to Coos bay. I can't find anything else that goes north of there. Does anyone have any ideas? My only other thought so far is to rent a uhaul in Brookings and leave it in Lincoln... 230 smackers! plus gas! So any ideas would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Routes / Astoria, OR to Malibu area
« on: April 23, 2010, 10:23:51 pm »
Hello everyone,

This is my first question and I know before I begin, it is a tough one to nail down. I ride my bike about 4 days a week, 40 to 60 miles at a time with several thousand feet of elevation gain on every ride. I also ride to town and do most of my errands on my bike. I'm 51 years old and ride almost always alone. The reason I mention this I want you to get an idea of my conditioning.

This summer I hope to ride the west coast from Astoria to Malibu area and I am having the hardest time trying to figure out how much time I need. i work full time and can only get 3 weeks off for the trip. I will be doing the ride alone and don't plan on much site seeing other than what I see from my seat. I have done several overnights, but they have all included very large mountain terrain, so I can't judge what to expect on the coast. I will be camping, I rise very early and find it hard to believe that I would only ride 4 or 6 hours a day with the long days and solo travel.

could anyone share some of their thoughts? Thanks in advance

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