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Topics - bgphelps2

Pages: [1]
Southwest / canyon de chelly, AZ
« on: August 19, 2014, 04:17:29 pm »
I will be cycling solo, self-contained toward the canyon from Window Rock, AZ near the end of Sept. I heard Route 191 from Ganado to Chinle is crazy busy, has no shoulders but lots of curves. Has anyone cycled on Route 12 north from Window Rock to the south rim road 7 to gain entrance into the Park?  The other longer way for me is to continue north on Route 12 and then west - Route 64 ( north rim road back to the main entrance). Are these rim roads paved or dirt? Are they doable with 700x32 tires?  I'd rather do a loop in the Park, rather than have to back track out on Route 64.  Ultimately, I want to get to Shiprock, NM.  What condition is Route 13 toward Red Rock? Paved or dirt? What's the %slope of the climb?

Southwest / New Mexico - northwest region
« on: July 17, 2014, 10:58:14 pm »
This mid-Sept, I will be cycling, solo, self-contained the northwest region of NM. How do I get my Trek 520 and me to Chaco Park? Route 57 is 20 miles of dirt road which my Trek can't do.  Do I hitch a ride from Crownpoint or White Horse? If I can get me and my bike to the Park - all the better.  But that may be a flip of a coin. For you touring cyclists, how have you gotten everything there? Also, did you come in from the north on Route 550 to 7900  to 7950?  That looks extremely remote.  What type of tires and slime do you use for goat head protection?

Routes / route from Owen Sound to Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
« on: February 10, 2011, 09:21:09 pm »
In early August, 2011, I will be cycling from Owen Sound, Ontario to Cornwall, Ontario, as part of my cross USA & Canada trip. I have a choice of 3 Routes to get to Cornwall.
1.Northern route - Orillia to Bancroft, then over and down to Cornwall.
2.Central route - Barrie to Lindsay to Peterboro to Perth, then over to Cornwall.
3.Southern route-Barrie down to the coast of Lake Ontario, then over to Cornwall.
Anybody have insights as to which Route is easier, safer riding for a self-contained touring cycle. How are the road conditions, traffic, scenary, etc

Routes / Route 20 in Cascades, WA
« on: December 29, 2010, 01:29:29 pm »
Next summer I will be cycling solo, self-contained on Route 20 in the Cascades, WA. I'll be following half of the Northern Tier in WA. My question concerns camping spots.  I have a list of camping areas through WA. I plan to camp the first night out 50 -60 miles from Anacortes in the Rockport area. After that, the towns are Marblemount, and NewHalem (both of which have camping areas) but they are low mileage between them. After the last campgrounds east of Newhalem, there are no campgrounds or anything for the next 50+ miles leading up to the Rainey and Washington Passes.

How do fully-loaded touring cyclists handle that heavy elevation and mileage?  Do they ride the low mileage between Marblemount and NewHalem, camp out, then gut out Rainey and Washington Passes in one shot and camp out anywhere on the downhill campgrounds on the road to Mazama?  Or do they stop, stealth camp in those passes as necessary?  I'd like to do a minimum of 50 miles/day during the cross country trip.  Obviously, the mileage will depend on many daily factors.

General Discussion / Cycling shorts
« on: November 30, 2010, 09:50:33 pm »
Ok this is my dilemma. Weird, true but funny.

I bought new Sugoi cycling shorts.  Waist and length fit fine. The problem is that I have little to no butt cheeks.  Thus, the shorts tend to bunch up between my cheeks, because of the pad and the normal amount of butt fabric in the shorts. My previous L. Garneau shorts were too tight, and took long to break in but never had that "butt bunching" syndrome. I haven't been able to contact the vendor with my problem yet.

Alternating riding on the seat and on the pedals produces alot of chafing obviously because of the bunching between my cheeks.

So, what do you short riders with "big bellies" and small butts like me, do?  Have you found certain brand name shorts to fit you better and have to call customer service to find that out or do you wear mountain bike, baggy, padded shorts?

I've named my 1982 Fuji S12S LTD - "Fanny" for my, 4,000 mile+ solo, self-contained trip next summer across USA & Canada.  It is to remind me of my butt.

Thanks Folks

General Discussion / Sea-Tac to Anacortes by air?
« on: October 11, 2010, 09:55:29 pm »
Hi Folks,
Bear with my newbeeness. Next summer, I will be cycling solo, self-contained 4,000 miles + from Anacortes, across the northern tier and some of Canada, to Maine.  When I fly into Seattle (SEA-TAC), how do I transition up to Anacortes?  Are there buses or puddle jumper planes, etc to get me and my boxed cycle up there.  Are there specific bike shops in Anacortes that will assemble and tune my bike for me?  Can I send my bike to that shop for me to pick up after I get settled or do I lug it all there, get it assembled, ride off to a campground in the area?
What's the Standard Operating Procedure for most cyclists flying into Seattle, then starting their trip in Anacortes and heading east on route 20.
Phelps' Mission Possible

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