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Topics - Crescendo

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / A chain is a chain is a chain....or is it?
« on: September 07, 2005, 12:06:47 pm »
I know this probably a nOOb question, but hey, I'm a nOOb, so...

My bike shop peeps told me I'm going to need a new chain for my bicycle soon. Are all chains alike? Should I be looking for anything in particular when purchasing a new one? (you know, aside from one that's a proper fit)


General Discussion / I got halfway there when...
« on: September 02, 2005, 10:45:04 am »
...(what happened?)

I'm new to touring. Actually, I've never ridden more than 20 miles at a time, but I'm planning to get the gear I need to make a solo, trans continental trek in the spring of '07. Maybe that seems like a long way off, but I know I have a lot to learn, and I want to be prepared, so here I am. I'm 100% determined to do it.

You know the saying, "you don't know what you don't know", so I'm not even sure of what questions to ask. "Expect the unexpected, and the unexpected will never happen." Please, help me expect it.

Have you ever been stranded between stops? Did you ever need to be rescued? Have you ever rescued someone else? Did you ever get lost? Afraid? Lonely? What was your most exhilarating experience on a tour? How has bad weather affected your plans? Did you have any really bad (or really good) experiences with people along the way? Do you have a favorite campsite? Was there ever anything you needed and didn't have? Is there piece of gear no one seems to remember to bring? Was there something you did and wished you hadn't? Something you didn't do, that you wished you had done?

I'd be very grateful if you would share any of your experience(s) with me. Thanks!   :)

This message was edited by Crescendo on 9-2-05 @ 10:00 AM

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