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Topics - Tom

Pages: [1]
Routes / Southern Tier- Route Safety/Hazards
« on: October 19, 2011, 04:28:43 pm »
I'm strongly considering doing the CA to TX sections of the Southern Tier with my bride in the Feb-April 2012 timeframe. A number of well-meaning (and mostly non-cycling) friends have warned me about everything from roving drug lords to two legged coyotes to killer bees to cactus spikes that flatten even the toughest tires. And yet... the ACA and many cycle tourists make the trip without incident.

Thoughts on personal safety? We'd be going solo and self-supported, spending most nights in tents/campgrounds.

Thoughts about excessive risk of flat tires? I've toured extensively with Conti Ultra Gatorskins and not had issues, but might consider Schwalbe Marathons as they seem bomber (albeit at a very high weight). I've also read about puncture resistant liners (which might help the trailer I haul- as it has very soft tires).


Gear Talk / 10 speed vs 9 speed for touring
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:54:54 am »
Anybody using a 10 speed set-up for touring? Any experience with the IRD 11- 34 cassette coupled with new Ultegra 10 speed shifters?

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