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Topics - 1ce_w0lf

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Gear Talk / SAFARI racks
« on: December 12, 2007, 07:02:09 am »
My question- Novara Safari. Knowing that the rear rack which comes with the bike is dodgy and I don't like it at all, is it possible to change it to tubus or something more expedition-like rack? I'm asking because I don't live in the states so I can't just walk to the store and check myself + the bike has disc brakes which means the threads are kinda like in difference place I think and the rack itself there seems kinda stupidly upright. even talking bout the front- there are only some that fits the bike on the fork so I'm not sure at all. does anyone know? safari is a pretty nice bike to buy from all the cheapos so I'm considering to order it but well there are some questions so please help, anyone. THANKS.  ;)

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