General Discussion / Biking from NYC to Chicago, Need Help!
« on: February 04, 2010, 12:33:12 am »-what roads/routes can/should I take? I'd prefer more scenic routes, but time is a factor, so it has to be pretty direct
-how long should I expect to take?I'm pretty serious biker, I've biked as much as around 75 miles in one trip over lightly hilly terrain, and fully expect to meet or exceed that on a daily basis
-what should I bring with me?I know I'll need lots of water, but besides that and the clothes on my back, what should I bring?
-how much will it cost? I want to start saving now, so I need to know how much I can expect to spend, assuming I'll want to stay at a motel some nights, but would be ok to camp others, I do need to buy a tent.
Well, that's about all I can think of right now, I'll definitely be reading your responses and posting my feedback, also if I get this project off the ground I'll definitely be taking photos and doing a trip thread about it!