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Topics - o2tour

Pages: [1]
ACA Mobile Route Apps / Coolbyke Location
« on: June 21, 2019, 04:55:21 pm »
The Coolbyke Bicycle Shop and Rentals is not located where indicated on the Bicycle Route Navigation in Hannibal, Missouri. For correct location see Google map.

General Discussion / Touring with Children
« on: February 19, 2018, 02:34:15 pm »
I am an experienced touring cyclist but this spring, for two weeks, I will be touring with my great nephew (14 years old). His sister (9) says the trip should be 2 years. This will be his first attempt at a bicycle touring trip. It will be a one way trip with his parents or grandfather picking him up at the end of two weeks. We will be self contained on this trip.

I’m hoping to get him hooked on touring. I have no experience touring with young children. Any suggestions, comments, or advice to make this a great trip for him and me!

International / Heathrow Airport to ...............
« on: January 09, 2015, 02:53:18 pm »
I’m looking for a bicycle friendly route from Heathrow Airport to Portsmouth? Maybe the route goes through Guildford? Or a bicycle friendly route from Heathrow to Plymouth? Or can I take a train from Heathrow Airport and travel to Portsmouth or Plymouth without changing trains?  -(8 )>

International / Help! I want to go to Europe.
« on: March 12, 2013, 04:46:18 pm »
I’m hoping to tour in Europe, first trip, this spring using my LHT with front and rear racks and fenders, gear for camping, and flying from Chicago to Dublin. I have routes planned and I'm ready to go.

However, I just got off the phone with Aer Lingus and I was told the W+L+H be no more than 63 inches. That seems awful small.  No exceptions for the bike.

Is this trip possible with my bike and gear and flying or should I take a slow boat, buy, rent? Need some advice and any information?

Thanks for any help.  :-\

General Discussion / How many cloths for a tour?
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:36:01 pm »
I’m kind of new to bicycle touring and I take to many cloths? How much and what type of cloths do other cyclist take?
I am leaving June from Illinois to the Portland - Seattle areas using the Katy Trail, connector route, TA, L&C, and PC route.


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