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Topics - tpejoe

Pages: [1]
Youth Bicyle Travel / Over protective lady in Virginia
« on: August 22, 2013, 09:33:24 am »
I was doing a father's day tour with my sons and our dog. We started in DC out the W O and D to Leesburg. We were going to cross the Potomac River and then return to DC via the C and O canal. Camp along the way.

When we got to Leesburg, I confirmed with a pedestrian that we were on the right track. She assured us we were, but that the road was incredibly busy, and way too dangerous for my children.  I brushed her off as being a nonbiker and therefore a little bit nervous. We thanked her and went on our way.

About a half hour later this very same lady pulls up to us on the road with a van and her daughter in the other car.
She then proceeded to tell us exactly how dangerous it was. "No shoulders." "Fast traffic." "Crazy drivers." "People die there all the time." She tried to get us and our bikes into the van..."at least put the kids in the car" she pleaded.

By this time, my 10 year old is a nervous wreck, convinced we were going to end up a bloody heap on the side of the road. This civilian pestered us for well over an hour. We should have ridden away, but I didn't want to appear inconsiderate and ungrateful. 

The sun was setting and we lost our window to scoot down the road, cross the ferry and set up camp before sunset. So we commando camped in a regional day use park nearby. My sons were nervous that we were about to be arrested for trespassing.

We woke early and broke camp before the camp rangers showed up. We then proceeded down this "Death Highway."

Oh were we steamed....the road in question was downsloping, so you could maintain a tasty pace, there was a 6 foot shoulder, there were "watch for biker" signs, the whole journey down the Death Highway was about 4 brisk miles of beautiful riding. We turned off the highway and were greeted with cows, deer and a two lane country road that emptied at the ferry to cross the Potomac.

When we crossed we found the beautiful campground where we intended to camp. We were so disappointed that we didn't camp there.

My point? I wish I had been gracious but separated myself from the non biker advisor. My son was so flustered by the talk, I was sure he was going to have a breakdown.  I had done my research and while the road in question was heavily traveled it was still completely manageable. On that evening, I abdicated my judgement to an overbearing local and our trip paid the price.

We carried on the next day and had a great trip. I recommend the DC Leesburg Whites Ferry C and O to DC ride with kids and a dog. Great fun. Flat, easy and manageable. Good shade and solid riding. I will do it again, but certainly won't hesitate to bike those last 6 mile to the ferry.


International / Chengdu to Lhasa
« on: August 22, 2013, 09:18:34 am »
OK, I just got another bug. One of my friends here in Shanghai just suggested that I bike from Chengdu to Lhasa.
Sounds like a good idea. Will start planning. Looks like a about 2300k with a few hills, both up and down variety.

Looks like an early June trip, maybe be in Lhasa by July1 more or less.

Beginning to gather maps etc. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.

I am about to check the Crazy guy on a bike website now.

International / Hanoi to Bangkok
« on: August 20, 2013, 07:54:22 pm »
I am looking to bike from Hanoi to Bangkok this December-January.
Can any recommend any helpful maps/routes for this trip?

Thank you,
Shanghai, China

Routes / Start Dates?
« on: January 03, 2013, 04:10:33 pm »
If one were to bike from Seattle eastward, realistically, what is the earliest start date in the Spring?

I know I have seen someplace on this website about "the first transcontinental visitor" of the year at the ACA headquarters, but I can't seem to find a good barometer for the start date that would be passable considering snow closing roads.

Thank you,


Canada / Quebec Montreal Ottawa
« on: March 18, 2012, 09:34:27 pm »
Biking with my family from QC to Montreal to Ottawa.
Anything to be aware of on this route?

New England / NYC to Montreal
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:11:21 pm »
I am looking for information on a self contained trip from NYC to Montreal.
Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Thank you,

International / Biking in Greece?
« on: April 03, 2011, 09:52:18 am »
Can I get some suggestions on a moderate 7-8 day bike trip in Greece?

International / Biking in China?
« on: December 31, 2010, 02:08:59 am »
Does anyone have any information on biking in mainland China?
I will be based in Shanghai for a while and would like to plan on some bike touring while in the PRC?

Any thoughts?

Gear Talk / Comparing Kona Sutra and the Surly LHT
« on: May 05, 2010, 09:08:02 pm »
I am considering buying a  Kona Sutra or a Surly Long Haul Trucker. I just saw a fruitful discussion comparing two other bikes.

Does anyone have anything to say on these two bikes?

Thank you,  Joe Earley

Routes / Biking in Greece
« on: April 27, 2010, 01:16:20 am »
I am starting to plan an 8 day bike tour in Greece.
Does anyone have any ideas about this, or experience with a self supported bike trip in Greece?

Routes / Natchez Trace?
« on: April 24, 2010, 06:56:14 pm »
Anyone have experience biking the Nathcez Trace from Nashville, TN to Natchez, MS?  Any thoughts or suggestions?

Youth Bicyle Travel / Natchez Trace with a 10 year old
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:55:21 pm »
I am planning a 8 day ride from Nashville, TN to Natchez, Mississippi with my 10 year old. The Trace is a park road and not too isolated. We will travel about 50 miles a day....450 miles total.  Apparently there are lots of riders on this road.  Does anyone have any thoughts on issues of biking with a child on the Natchez Trace?

Classifieds / 60cm touring bike wanted
« on: April 21, 2010, 08:33:41 am »
I am wanting to buy a 58 cm 60cm touring bike in the next two months.
Any one have one to sell?

Urban Cycling / Taipei Taiwan
« on: April 16, 2010, 08:00:40 pm »
Taipei, Taiwan is quickly becoming a world leader in urban biking.
Already a world leader in bike manufacturing the biking industry has taken hold of the popular imagination and bike lanes, bike trails, and urban riders of all sorts are on the roads.

The northern suburb of Tienmu is surrounded by a national park, Yanmingshan National Park, a mountain park with mountain roads, hot springs, incredible vistas, waterfalls.  The roads are usually lightly travelled and now have ample riders at nearly any time of day.

The city government is also finishing a series of urban bike trails along the rivers in town so you can bike for over a hundred kilometers without crossing a road. Going from downtown, Taipei 101, the zoo, the world trade center, out to Danshuei and the North Coast without hassle.

In Taipei, there are plenty of family bikers, road bikers, casual bikers and now we are even seeing more bike tourers You can circumnavigate the island in a couple of weeks.  There is some great mountain biking for the technical mtn bike set.

The roads are still a bit crazy. Lots of cars, but traffic doesn't move so fast as to threaten bikers. Their are scooters all over which can be a bit disorienting. But it is improving regularly.

There are also so many great bike shops in town....from high end racing bike to low end foldable bikes.

Taipei is a biker's dreams.

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