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Messages - hickwise

Pages: [1]
I am posting this in care of a person I've been in contact with over the last year. She is adventurous, determined, pleasant and now with kids almost out of the house available to ride w/ more time for her own persuits again. She is blind but that didn't stop her from buying a tandem. She's interested in finding a willing partner for adventure to captain her tandem and go on day-rides. If anyone in the Boise area is interested in riding w/ a great partner, great personality, positive, unsinkable person please email:


Rocky Mountain / Re: Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Region
« on: May 22, 2010, 05:20:14 pm »
Welcome to a discussion area for Adventure Cycling members and non members to meet, organize rides, and discuss cycling issues relevant to their region.  Please keep posts in this section pertaining to the Rocky Mountain states (MT, ID, WY, UT, NV).

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