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Messages - mitey-miss

Pages: [1]
Routes / Mexico: South Baja's Cape Region
« on: January 06, 2005, 10:39:37 pm »
Hi Bikeman,

Whoa, there's lots that could be said!

There's not a lot of bike-oriented info out there, but the
best info for me came from a surprising source: RV driving
logs and atlases. Check travel bookstores for these...they
give detailed on-highway and off-road info on mileage,
road conditions, campsites, amenities and yes, gas
stations. Baja RV'ers are a surprisingly tenacious and
adventurous lot!

There's LOTS I could tell you...what specifically do you
want to know?

Routes / Mexico: South Baja's Cape Region
« on: August 31, 2004, 12:49:02 am »
I solo-cycled this awesome circle route in two-and-a-half
weeks and I recommend it if you want to try some Adventure
Lite in Mexico. Email me if you're curious about the route.

General Discussion / What really is Adventure?
« on: August 31, 2004, 12:25:44 am »
Adventure = curiousity.

If you are willing to see, smell, taste, touch, try,
something/somewhere you're not familar with, you have an
adventurous spirit. This can include venturing an empty
restaurant that's not in the guidebook, or a back alley on your
way home from work.

This message was edited by mitey-miss on 8-30-04 @ 8:36 PM

Pages: [1]