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Messages - mnlyn

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / semi slicks on the great divide???
« on: June 25, 2005, 10:29:22 pm »
I'm gearing up for the Great Divide, too, and will be starting in mid to late August of this year.  I've just ordered some Rhyno-Lite XL rims for the rigid 80's MTB I'll be using for the trip and thought I'd get some Schwalbe Marathon XR's for the tires.  I'm tempted to get the 2.25" versions versus the 1.9" ones for the extra "cushion" they would provide (& they would look cool on my retro "all-rounder") but would like any feedback on using the wider tires.  Will I regret the extra resistance & weight or will I revel in the luxurious comfort as I float along the trail?  Also, has anyone used Planet Bike fenders with tires this big and do they really fit like they say they will?  Thanks.

Gear Talk / Thorn Nomad or eXp?
« on: May 11, 2005, 03:09:22 am »
Keep us posted on how the bikes work out.  I need to buy or build a bike pretty quickly for a Great Divide trip this summer and have been leaning towards a Surly Long Haul Trucker (w/26" wheels).  I'm a little nervous about trying the divide route on a "touring" bike but plan to set it up with mountain bike components & wheels.  Am I going to regret not having suspension?  I have an older rigid mountain bike now which isn't bad on the road but I haven't done too much offroading with it.  I plan to at least get a springy Brooks saddle for the LHT and some relatively fat tires for cushion. I'm still not sure whether to go with drop handlebars or flats w/barends for more leverage.

Gear Talk / Trailer for Dog?
« on: December 24, 2004, 03:12:35 am »
Thanks for the replies.  Since my original post I found an Instep trailer at the local discount store for $80 and figured I'd give that a shot instead of spending several hundred before even knowing whether it would work out or not.  I set it up in the living room without the wheels, placed the dog's mattress inside and he liked it quite a bit.  I trained him to jump in on command and rigged up a leash that would let him move around a little without being able to jump out.  It seemed like it was going to work great but I decided to return the trailer to the store before I took it out and got it all dirty.  The trailer was really was bigger than it needed to be and was quite inferior to the nicer trailers that I've been able to see locally.  I decided I would spend the extra money to get something nicer and with a narrower profile.  I considered the Burley Solo but think I will buy the Nomad, since I'll be able use it for cargo when I go on longer trips without the dog.  It's the middle of winter right now here in Minnesota but I plan to get set up by Spring and will let you know how it goes with the pooch!

Gear Talk / Trailer for Dog?
« on: October 10, 2004, 05:13:17 pm »
Just looking for suggestions on what trailer to try for my Basset Hound, who is a good hiker but not up to chasing a bicycle for any distance.  I got a Yakima Big Tow trailer on closeout with hopes that I could use that for the local bike trail, etc., but it's a bit tippy and also easy for him to jump out of unless he's strapped in to the point he can't move at all.  I'd like to do some touring, as well, and have thought of a Burley Nomad or the such.  Those child trailers look awfully big and cumbersome but I may try that if I have to in order take the little guy along.  I would appreciate any first-hand experiences.  Thanks.

Routes / What ever happened to North Star?
« on: August 13, 2005, 11:14:14 pm »
Didn't there used to be an A.C. route from Alaska to Montana?  Why did it disappear from the A.C. website?

Routes / Touring Baja
« on: July 27, 2005, 03:00:17 am »
I've just been considering such a trip myself over the last few days and have been reading a few trip reports at .  Other than that I haven't found too much info yet.  I was hoping to do the Great Divide this year but may have trouble getting started by September, which I figured would be the latest I would want to start that route because of unpredictable weather in October in the Rockies.  If I don't make the G.D. trip I was planning on spending some time in Baja instead.  Send me an email if you'd be interested in a possible companion for the trip or to share info.  

Routes / Transportation to Banff
« on: June 10, 2005, 01:25:28 am »
I will be doing part of the Great Divide route later this year and had planned on taking the Amtrak to Whitefish to begin but now am tempted to ad the new Canadian portion to my schedule.  Does anyone have any information on public transportation options to Banff (rail, bus, etc) that would be "bicycle friendly"?  I'll be coming from Portland, OR, by the way.

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