« on: July 30, 2018, 08:16:34 pm »
Advice? Wisdom? I am not sure what follows is either, and as someone who uses a bike for transportation this may be old news, but some random thoughts...when travelling, don't pass up an opportunity to use a blue room...take advantage of all downhills. That advantage may be free-wheeling to take a break (although on long downhills, I still turn the cranks, slowly, so my legs don't forget their job) or to increase your average speed by bombing downhill, but regardless, I always consider downhills as free miles and a reward for the uphill...where possible, take the road less traveled so long as the services you need or seek are still available...when necessary because of the route, and where allowed, riding the shoulder of an Interstate is not terrible (definitely not the road less traveled) but it comes with the potential for small punctures from tiny steel wires from blown radials, and they are tough to find so as to patch, so carry at least one spare tube...speaking of spare tubes, on one trip I took two spares and within five days I was without a spare. Faulty valve stems were the culprit. I was unable to locate the sized tube needed in the town I found myself. Unusual, yes, but since then I take four spares. Extra weight and space but it helps ease my mind...eat before your are hungry and drink before you are thirsty, you do not want to bonk. I make it a point to eat something about every twenty minutes while riding to keep my energy levels up...do not lose focus when riding. Enjoy the sights and sounds but as soon as you lose focus you will hit that broken pavement or chuckhole or glass or whatever. So stay vigilant. Enjoy the journey and welcome to the bike tourist world.