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Messages - 100milesperburrito

Pages: [1]

Seems like if the slide is stable enough to put 10 ton excavation rigs on it

I don't know how this is handled, but I'm sure they don't put the rigs on the slide, but rather whittle it away from the ends while the weight of the rigs is on something solid.

I would check out the latest photos from - pretty crazy indeed.

Does CalTrans keep workers there monitoring the area 24/7 or do they work regular shifts and head home at the end of the day on a 7-4pm schedule? Are there police monitoring the closure after hours? Seems like if the slide is stable enough to put 10 ton excavation rigs on it, a person weighing in at 165lbs shouldn't be a problem. Thanx.

Do people on their bikes ever just walk their bikes across slides like this? It doesn't seem much different than walking across a mt. top? I'm leaving in 4 days down the coast from SF and the reconstruction will obviously not be done in time. I do not want to go completely out of my way....has anyone walked the line on slides like these? Isn't that what bikes are for?

100 miles per burrito.

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