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Messages - tempusfugit

Pages: [1]
Routes / Arizona Trail Thru-biker route
« on: November 07, 2005, 07:09:13 pm »
Scott Morris posted an excellent journal with pics on this thread

Very well written, as good or better than anything you see in the magazine.

Arizona Trail post

This message was edited by tempusfugit on 11-7-05 @ 3:14 PM

Routes / Speed Record set on Arizona Trail Route
« on: November 01, 2005, 12:54:07 pm »
Last week, Scott Morris from Tucson set an impressive speed record on my 800 mile Arizona Trail Route. 7 days 8 hours and that included an on foot traverse of the Grand Canyon.

Personally, I prefer to have more time to view the scenery, but I have to take my helmet off to this guy.

Here's a thread with pics from his trip. Check out the one of a condor on the trail.
speed record thread

Here's the book that details the route: Biking the Arizona Trail: A thru-biker's guide

Routes / Alaska Routes
« on: November 01, 2005, 12:56:10 pm »
Day Tripper,

The 414 mile Dalton Highway is a grand adventure for moutain bike touring. IT's pretty tough though. One tour company that guides trips from Flagstaff to Prudhoe Bay calls the route the "Ride of Pain." The scenery, the uniqueness and wildness are unbeatable though.

General Discussion / Where to tour in the winter?
« on: November 01, 2005, 12:59:21 pm »
Hey it's me again. One word: Arizona. Love it. Are you road or off road?

Arizona Trail Route is great for mountain bike touring but road cyclists do a similar route going North/South across the state from Utah to Mexico.

Biking the Arizona Trail

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