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Messages - backpacktobikerack

Pages: [1]
Routes / Re: San Francisco to Vegas and onwards to WE/TA
« on: June 06, 2012, 10:27:39 pm »
Just to fill you in on what happened:

I rode out of Yosemite on the 49? to Jackson and then up the 88 over Carson Pass, the 89 over Monitor Pass and took the 395 down into Lone Pine where I headed East into Death Valley early in the morning of Apr 28. Got to Panamint Springs at lunchtime and hung out there for the rest of the day. Up before dawn to go over Towne Pass by 8am, and then freewheeled pretty much into Furnace Creek , where I ate ice cream all afternoon. A dawn escape from Texas Spring campsite got me to Death Valley Junction for lunch, and then into Pahrump in the evening. Care: the road to Death Valley Junction is deceptive. It's a 3000' climb in 30 miles at an imperceptible gradient! Need a strong mind for this part.

It was a blast and I'm so glad I did it!

I'm now on the TA, in Leoti, KS. I've got 41 days to get to NYC - any suggestions on how to make the route more direct than just following the TA to Richmond, VA and then the Atlantic Coast route through DC to New York? That works out at around 65 miles/day, I'd like to get that closer to 50 if possible!

Routes / Re: San Francisco to Vegas and onwards to WE/TA
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:24:07 pm »
Oh, and one more thing, with Furnace Creek Campsite closed for the time being. I think it might be best to avoid Death Valley completely. Can anyone persuade me otherwise?

Routes / Re: San Francisco to Vegas and onwards to WE/TA
« on: April 11, 2012, 01:35:36 am »
So I'm in SF now, but the bike is in the shop until Saturday (14th). I plan to get the Amtrak to Merced on Sunday and then cycle into Yosemite for a couple of days of hiking then back out again (as the 120 will be shut for a good while yet). My question is: should I go North towards Reno/Tahoe and then down the 395 and through Death Valley to Vegas, or head South to Lake Isabella and round the Southern end of the Sierras straight to Vegas? Or any alternative suggestions? Thanks, Alex

Routes / Re: San Francisco to Vegas and onwards to WE/TA
« on: March 06, 2012, 03:39:50 am »
Brian, what an excellent reply. Thank you. I will study it further and come back with any questions.

Sarah - I've replied to your private email :)

Gear Talk / Re: Essentials
« on: March 06, 2012, 03:21:33 am »
Thanks Susan, that's a really useful tip! That will come in handy no doubt! Cheers!

Gear Talk / Re: Essentials
« on: March 04, 2012, 01:04:15 pm »
Thanks guys, it's really helpful to get advice from people who have ridden where I plan to ride: it's been all very well going into the bike shops around Oz/NZ and asking advice but they don't have the local knowledge you do. So thanks.

My plan is to start as basic as possible (money is tight) and chat to cyclists along the way about any problems/niggles I am having.

Main concern is staying warm at nights but I reckon layered up in a sleeping bag will have me sorted. Cheers everyone!


Gear Talk / Re: Essentials
« on: February 18, 2012, 08:43:16 pm »
Thanks Dave, that's sound advice. I guess I'll just have to try and find somewhere to practice in cleats and see what I think. I suspect I'll end up getting some.

It will be more April/May in the Western Mountains/AZ, but I will still be prepared for snow. I think I can just layer up to protect against the cold?

Gear Talk / Essentials
« on: February 18, 2012, 06:11:41 pm »

I am going to be cycling from LA to San Fran, then down the NPs to Vegas then onto WE/TA via Grand Canyon from end of March to Early July. I want to know what equipment/clothing is essential and which items I can make do without. I am on a tight budget after 6 months travelling around Asia/Oz/NZ so want to cut corners where possible. For example, Bib shorts, are they really necessary? and pedals and cleats? Will I be fine in just trainers and toe clips?

Pretty vague I know and apologise, but I am not an experienced cyclist at all, and have only been planning this trip since the idea popped in my head in Cambodia last November.

Any advice is welcomed warmly.


Routes / Re: San Francisco to Vegas and onwards to WE/TA
« on: February 18, 2012, 04:01:41 am »
Wow - Fred, Tim: such quick replies, thanks!

I am arriving in L.A. on March 20th and aim to have ridden up the coast to San Fran by April 5th (very easy going, 25-50 miles a day). So I guess I'm looking at early April start with 50-80 mile days, ideally. This trip has been planned on the move (travelling round-the-world at the moment) so my training has been minimal at best. I figure it's more mental strength and good planning that will enable me to get to New York.

Is it possible to cycle across Death Valley to Vegas or would I have to go round?

Routes / San Francisco to Vegas and onwards to WE/TA
« on: February 17, 2012, 07:33:42 pm »
Hi there,

I see there is no ACA Route from SF to Vegas but as I am from the UK and probably won't return to California in the foreseeable future I am keen to visit Yosemite, Sequoia and Death Valley NPs on my way to Vegas (and then the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon on my way to NYC). I then plan on joining the Western Express after the Canyon, and then onto the TA.

Has anyone done this? Can you recommend a route?


Routes / Re: LA (or San Fran) to New York - From March 2012
« on: January 10, 2012, 04:53:36 am »
Thanks for all your replies. I think it will depend on where I can get the best deal on the bike etc on whether I do the LA to San Fran leg or not.

It should be fairly straightforward with the ACA maps and a GPS (like Garmin Edge 800?)? I've done a couple of training rides in Sydney and Melbourne and got completely lost both times!

Routes / LA (or San Fran) to New York - From March 2012
« on: January 08, 2012, 04:20:04 am »
Hi there,

I am currently backpacking through Australia and will be arriving in LA in March and plan to cycle to New York in time for my flight back to the UK in late July. (There's a lot more to the story than that but that's on my website for anyone who's interested.)

My preliminary route is:

Los Angeles
San Francisco
Yosemite NP
Sequoia NP
Death Valley NP
Las Vegas
Hoover Dam
Grand Canyon
Four Corners
Washington DC
New York City

I am aiming for around 50 miles a day, starting much lower before building up - perhaps with the odd century thrown in. I'm sure there must be some people on here who have cycled similar routes and can offer advice on maps, roads, weather, campgrounds etc.

As a novice British cyclist, any advice is welcomed.

Many thanks,

Tony, Pete - thank you for your replies.

I am aiming to start at 25 miles a day and then build it up to 75 miles a day by the end, averaging 50 miles/day overall. Re: hiking fitness; I've just summitted Mt Kinabalu in Borneo, and three other mountains in China so am far more prepared for the Canyon than the cycling!

Can you advise generally over my whole route?

(LA?)-San Fran-Yosemite NP-Sequoia NP-Death Valley NP-Las Vegas-Hoover Dam-Grand Canyon-Four Corners-Washington DC-Philadelphia-New York City.

I also am not sure about what clothing to buy. I don't have any cycle clothes and guess I'll need stuff for <10, 10-20 and 20+ degree temperatures? I'm not overly concerned about the weight of my kit, but I am on quite a limited budget.


Since my departure from the UK in September I've made the decision to change the US leg of my Round the World trip into a cross country charity cycle. I wouldn't call myself a cyclist, I've never cycled more than 50km or two days in a row, but I am pretty decent shape, and will be flying into LA on March 20th and out of New York City around July 25th. I plan to visit San Francisco, Grand Canyon and Washington DC on my ride - a slightly roundabout route starting from LA but I am still a backpacker at heart!

I have no touring experience and these forums have been an excellent resource for learning about it but now I need some specific advice.

Can anyone recommend a bike shop in LA (or San Francisco - I'm quite prepared to start my trip from there) that will be able to help me get a bike ready to go as soon as I arrive in the US? I have a rough idea of the bike I'm after, and the panniers, helmet, clothing, mirrors etc I'd like. I'm also seeking lightweight camping gear if anyone has recommendations for a shop that can help with that too.

Many thanks,

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