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Messages - WetDogRider

Pages: [1]
Urban Cycling / why bike?
« on: June 16, 2007, 11:53:14 am »
Ride on Boone! ! ! !
I feel small . I love cars , but also love to bike !
I live in the country , and cruise the country roads of Illinois ( The Best ). I'm growing in my rides ,and going for more distance everyride . . .
Just had a great ride with some co-workers from our town to the Mississippi River and back ( 82 miles ). It was a beautiful day and beautiful experience . We're now planning our next excursion , with some other co-workers , and a new adventure . . . I've made the metric century , and am being gunned by one of my riding bud's to go for the real thing . Not enough led in my seat yet though I think .LOL . . .

Urban Cycling / commuting by bike
« on: June 16, 2007, 12:10:22 pm »
I Don't have the back-bone to ride to work and back on my little 11 mile ride . I guess I'm to anal about my appearance at work in my prison uniform (LOL) , and sweating like a pig from the ride . . . I prefer to ride after work , or weekends and go for the gusto then .

Gear Talk / Bike recommendation (under 1200 dollars US)
« on: June 16, 2007, 12:34:35 pm »
Hi Russell
I look up to your riding , but find it hard to push building a custom bike . . . . Its above and beyond throwing a pair of wheels, on a frame , and off you go for a ride . Finding the proper gear for your bike is the most important part , and being able to afford those goodies is another story . Thats why I'm stuck with buying mine from the local dept. store and hoping I'll have a good bike , that will bring me miles of enjoyment .I just got my second bike . A hybrid Scwinn , and am hoping it will last longer than the first ( 2 weeks ).Thank God for those dept store bike mechanics . Throw the parts on the bike and hell with the adjustments . Thank You Tx*#et!
Is that proper ? I didn't use their full name . . .    

Routes / alcan highway
« on: July 22, 2007, 02:36:32 pm »
You had a beautiful experience , going to Alaska ! I spent 3 years in Fairbanks , while in the Army , and did alot of bike riding around the community .They had excellent trails in and around Fairbanks , and recomend anyone traveling to Alaska take advantage of riding the country side . Use extreme caution when riding in Bear country , they are there and they rule . . .Also . . .  Be sure to have two things with you . . . Camera , and a Cell Phone ! Take alot of pictures , because as hard as you try , you cann't explain what you saw without photos, and the Cell phone to call , and brag about what you just saw .
Ride On

This message was edited by WetDogRider on 7-22-07 @ 10:40 AM

General Discussion / Organized Rides
« on: August 16, 2007, 08:37:16 pm »
I just did my first organized ride . The Interplanetary Bike Ride in Dunlap IL., on 8-11-07 . The ride was great , and the people on the SAG stops were out standing . People taking you into their homes , and feeding you.One couple spent the entire day out in their front yard waiting on riders to pass by and assist .As I said , this was my first , and definitely not my last . I'm preparing for the No Baloney Ride 9-22-07 , in Peoria IL. , and sponsored by the Illinois Valley Wheelm'n , and is said to be great also .

General Discussion / Protection from bears
« on: July 22, 2007, 03:04:29 pm »
Bears, and Camping . . . Prefer without Females ! Just for your safty , DO NOT camp on your special time of the month . The Bear is an excellent hunter , and it WILL smell you , and come looking for you .
As mentioned prior , cook and leave all food items away from your sleeping area .Carry pepper spray self defense canister with . They can be found in most hunting shops in such areas , or through catalogs like Cabellas , ( tell them I used their name ) . Use caution , make noise while passing threw bear country ( Bells on your bike ) . Its better that they hear you coming , and can leave before you get there , than surprising them and their young . . .
Ride On/Stay Safe

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