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Messages - wroseweir

Pages: [1]
Youth Bicyle Travel / Kids on Pacific Coast Route?
« on: October 28, 2008, 10:33:55 am »
I rode the route form Seattle South to Longview then east to estoria and wouldnt do it with kids, it wsa back country riding and not much fun, I woul look at gooing teh Olimpia route if i was u.

Gear Talk / B.O.B. trailers
« on: October 27, 2008, 02:14:41 am »
My 2 cents, i used a bob, non suspension on my forst ride, 1500 miles, seattel to san diego, with no training, and the trailer rocked, not one puncture, downhills was aquirly above 40, as i had front shocks, the smooth tracking and rolling ( i had tri bars for the aero position), and easey towing made me happy on my decison to go with the trailer vs panniers.

Gear Talk / Trailer or panniers
« on: October 27, 2008, 02:05:21 am »
Thanks to all for the great advise, i completed the ride 1500 miles, my first trip ever and did it solo, unseported Seattle to san diego, in 25 days, pulling a Bob, 60 pounds, but based on sound advise changed my bike to a trek fuel 90, full suspension, for the required granny gears, i took out the rear shock and used a modified seat post, to replace it.Was a unbelivable trip. your infor helped me a ton, an myabe the 30 miles training wasnt enough. thanks and i promise to help anyone with questions re a trqailer vs gears or bike. ps not one puncture but a few cramps

Gear Talk / Trailer or panniers
« on: July 16, 2008, 03:45:10 am »
Whitttrideer u ride on  a 26/42 and manage most hills? and carry how much weight , i have had a lot of neagtive feedback about dooing it with a tribike and the gear settings and towing a trailer, i plan to tent camp, and basic breakfast, large lunch and simple dinner? so keep teh weight down to a tent mattress basic pepsi stove, and ligth weigth sleeping bag, wahs clothes daily and buy food often with dried food as a back up, thanks for your input i value it

Gear Talk / Trailer or panniers
« on: July 16, 2008, 02:11:26 am »
Russell,/ cycle safe, thanks for the imput,and your concern and no i dont look like the waife cyclist, (they make me sick 5'10' and 145 pounds after twp double macks) but to put your minds at rest, my running wieght is 220. and clocked a 1hr.40 1/2 marathon, and won every triathalon i entered in my weight division. smiles, clysdale. I am not naive to challenge and will probbally remember your words on the long uphill walks. I was gooing to use moutain bike shoes on the ride and running shoes for the long uphill jogs. Ever wonder how come i was doing it on Litespeed Saber?.I will post my progress on here.

Gear Talk / Trailer or panniers
« on: July 15, 2008, 08:13:13 pm »
Thanks guys, good advice ont the north south, the one outstanding issue is the road cogs/chain rings i have a 53/39  and a 11-24. and for $65 can get the back to a 12 -27,k which will get me 15 % easier but still no where near a touring ration of 30 fornt to a back 37 first, i will pobbally have to push the steep hills, but the smoooth ride and very fast componets will hopelly make up for it, and the legs could be stronger by the time i hit the california hill in 3 weeks.trying to leave by the 23rd ?. Will purchase the railer a bob /yak use amtrack to bc there which will be $ 215 and free luggage, ok now i am getting excited. just for fun i am 225 pounds at 5 10 and will hope to loose about 25 pounds in 4 weeks, my version of survivor.

Gear Talk / Trailer or panniers
« on: July 10, 2008, 07:13:57 pm »
Thanks guys, it seems there is no clear answer and still nto sure how a titanium bike with graphite back supports would hold up ?

Gear Talk / Trailer or panniers
« on: July 10, 2008, 02:30:45 pm »
I am planning to ride form San Diego to BC, in the next few weeks and wasnt sure if a trailer or panniers are better for a ride like that?. I am consider using a lightspeed Sabre, a tri bike i alreadey have ? any thoughts. I am riding to clear my head and was thinking of dooing 6 days on one off at around 70 miles a day, feel free to tell em if u think i am nuts, and or any constructive advice.Thanks Wayne

General Discussion / Just Wondering
« on: October 27, 2008, 02:40:35 am »
i finished my forst one, 1500 miles seattel to san diego, go light, and train a bit, i did no training , ouch, use lots of chamic cream aka Ball butter, and have a blast, u cna always buy or fix mistakees on teh trip

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