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Messages - ridergirl50

Pages: [1]
Bike Clubs / Planning to host a one day tour - fee ride
« on: July 18, 2012, 06:15:11 pm »
Does anyone have a planning guide for setting up a ride?  For example, if you think about your favorite annual ride, there are people at the registration table, at the SAG's, driving roving SAG's. The routes are marked and you have maps.  There may be police support, sponsors providing coupons, and a bike shop with a vendor tent.  All those things don't "just happen". I'm looking for a way to break it down over the months before the ride so it is a manageable task and not a fire drill!

General Discussion / Re: What do you use for sunscreen?
« on: July 18, 2012, 06:02:07 pm »
I've had good success with "arm coolers" from SOL SKIN, Sugoi, Pearl Izumi and others.  They are white and made of a wicking material.  As you sweat (only a little bit with these) the air movement you create while riding pulls the moisture away and your arms are cooled.  I end the ride, pull off the arm coolers, and my arms feel clean and cool, much better than they would with the sun beating down on them all day and the sunscreen grabbing all the grit and hanging onto it.  You can find a good selection at and at  Good luck!

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