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Messages - Timmy

Pages: [1]
Routes / Re: Great Rivers route or Mississippi River Trail?
« on: May 04, 2013, 05:03:37 pm »
Hey there...
In 2008 I did a ride from New Orleans to Lake Itasca/International Falls, I followed some of the Mississippi trail then did my own route...check it out on

Good luck!!!

Routes / Pedal to the Midnight Sun info...
« on: January 16, 2013, 06:34:13 pm »
Hey there!
This summer I am looking at doing the ride like the moive "Pedal to the Midnight Sun" From Seward to Prudhoe Bay

My question is it better to do it south to north or north to south? What are the earliest or best start dates for each? If possible, I would like to cross the arctic circle on or near the summer solstice.

Also, looking for the best deal for a shuttle to or from Prudhoe Bay/Fairbanks

Any info you guys have would be great


Alaska/Hawaii / Re: AK Bike Routes
« on: January 16, 2013, 06:09:38 pm »
Hey there!
This summer I am looking at doing the ride like the moive "Pedal to the Midnight Sun" From Seward to Prudhoe Bay

My question is it better to do it south to north or north to south? What are the earliest or best start dates for each? If possible, I would like to cross the arctic circle on or near the summer solstice.

Also, looking for the best deal for a shuttle to or from Prudhoe Bay/Fairbanks

Any info you guys have would be great


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