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Messages - djbrooks

Pages: [1]
GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« on: June 13, 2013, 09:25:42 pm »
I was able to download the entire route from Paula & Scott's site:
File: "TourDivide2012_v2.gpx - Tour Divide 2012 "official" [GPX format, 1.6MB]"

I then downloaded it to my Google Drive and then opened the Track in Maverick. It worked!

I also uploaded the same gpx file to Google Maps in My Places clicking Create and Import. It doesn't display in one long track but multiple pages.
This is the link:

I can now see the whole route on the Google Maps android app by going to Layers, My Maps,  and clicking on the file I uploaded into My Places in Google Maps on my laptop.

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« on: June 10, 2013, 06:43:22 pm »
I found that if i choose Waypoints instead of Tracks, I am able to see the ACA gpx files in Maverick!

I will try the two apps you suggest also.

I also came across a nice iPhone app call TrackMyTour used by @ridedivide to create an online map of your journey for friends and family to follow along. It's a very nice app. It lets you create Waypoints offline, and submit later when you are connected. It will post to Twitter and Facebook too. Wish it was available in Android.

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« on: June 06, 2013, 09:35:40 am »
#1 priority would be to load the ACA gpx file on the phone and see it on a map with my current location to see if I'm on track. I'd be satisfied if I could only do this when I have an internet signal although it would be nice if I could do it with a GPS signal.
#2 priority would be to have the capability of storing some maps with gpx tracks offline.  I've got Maverick Pro and have imported the gpx files but can't see them when I go to the map.  :(

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:36:23 pm »
I'm looking for an Android App to view the ACA gpx files of the GDMBR, overlaid on a GPS map indicating my position relative to the route. I mainly want to use it when I come into population centers to find my way through and as a supplement to the paper maps. It would be nice to have the offline capability. I've looked at a bunch, but none seem to be satisfactory. Maverick, OruxMaps, Backcountry Navigator, Gpsies, ViewRanger, GPX Viewer, MapswithMe, MyTracks, EveryTrail...none seems to fit the bill. Anyone out there have any experience or suggestions?

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