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Messages - gmcmonagle

Pages: [1]
I'm new to this, but I just installed an app on my iphone and mini ipad called pocket earth. You can download maps from anywhere in the world and save them to be used when offline also. Might help you out.

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« on: July 01, 2013, 11:02:30 pm »

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Re: Android App to view GDMBR gpx
« on: July 01, 2013, 10:31:28 pm »
Wow, yes I just installed both Pocket Earth and MotionX HD apps on my mini ipad and Pocket Earth on my iphone 5 (MotionX HD isn't available for the iphone and MotionX Drive isn't the same for these purposes). Both of these programs now have the Great Divide Trail on them ...thanks to many people with adventure cyclying...The gpx files can be transferred through i tunes on a computer to your device(s). With both of these programs you can see, follow and zoom anywhere on the trail even with GPS not available and no cell signal or wifi...airplane mode / offline. Just make sure that they are saved for offline use.

As for Android Apps, I don't know.

Adventure Cycling, thanks for the GDMBR gpx. file...I've got your maps too. Should be a great compliment to each other.

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