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Messages - Elmo

Pages: [1]
Routes / What a roller-coaster!
« on: September 22, 2013, 11:45:17 pm »
Great advice guys, thanks!

Ill be crossing the border of north and south carolina in a few days, iv been following the 301 for a day or two and its been good. Im thinking of joining the 15 at santee then onto the 17 at waltboro and continue on the 17 for a while. Does anyone have experience with these routes? Are they doable? Id like to get closer to the coast for a few days as i feel like iv been doing circles in the same surroundings for a week haha

Thanks again.

And you were right about most things. Prepare for being stuck in the middle of nowhere, sunburn, dirty clothes, no water fixing punctures that wont stick over and over again, but dont let it get to you as the roller-coaster can only go up from here. And goes very high up after! Absolutely loving it!! ;D

Routes / Re: East Coast Greenway
« on: August 11, 2013, 11:39:42 pm »
Thanks a lot for your advice guys. I notice the ACA route through Philly is quite far inland. Could you recommend a route from NY city,leading to 'route 94' before the delaware river gap. Maybe something that joins before Blairstown even?
From there i could stay on the ACA untill dropping into DC maybe? Thanks again.
Any other quieter yet feasible routes heading south that you might be able to reccoment would be greatly appreciated.


General Discussion / Re: I wonder why...........
« on: August 09, 2013, 03:57:14 pm »
Maybe its also the acheivement of traveling a certain distance that is a goal for some riders? Taking in the scenery and experiencing your surroundings and situations you find yourself in are inevitable while long distance cycling. But when cycling such a distance it may take twice as long if the cyclist is slowly cruising around, gazing at Every field and building they see, sometimes you just have to get your head down and clock some miles :) What do you think?


Routes / Re: East Coast Greenway
« on: August 08, 2013, 11:43:13 pm »
That is some excelent insight youve shared, thanks a lot.
I guess ill really have to plan where im staying and how far i have to go untill i reach my next site for the night. I respect the fact that the ECG tends to stick to the coast but being as i am not from America im quite interested in some of the sights i will be passing following this route.
My main concern is finding myself on a busy dangerouse road in the middle of the night looking for somewhere to sleep. I dont plan to stay in the cities long, hopefully camp on the outskirts on one side then from morning untill eavning travel through and stay at another site on the oposite outskirt. As i said im not American, im actually English and im not really sure what to expect between cities in regard to landscapes, will it be full of fields where stelth camping wont be an issue? Something i will have to look into.

Thanks again and ill be sure to try out the US 301 as i travel down NC.

Hey guys, im currently in Rhode Island, some time next week im hoping to head off towards miami. I doing a solo trip but also looking for people to meet up with along the way... Im a 23 year old English boatbuilder. Iv got a few months free from work so though id go on a bike tour. If your going to be around the east coast within the next two months give me a shout as im not really warming to the idea of doing the WHOLE trip on my own. :)



General Discussion / Anyone doing the ECG soon?
« on: August 08, 2013, 09:16:11 pm »
I recently posted about any advice people may have to offer regarding my trip in a few weeks.

This post is for anyone thinking of doing the trip that might want to join me? Im a 23 year old male, just want to have a bit of a laugh and think it would be better with someone. (That sounded like a relationship AD haha, i just want someone to ride with!)
Im from England, I flew over to the US to build one of the Americas Cup Yachts (im a boatbuilder), and iv now got 2 months break before i start a new yacht in Rhode Island. So, i thought id make the most of my time and go on a bike tour, nobody in Rhode Island seems up for joining me due to work, families or a genuine lack of interest in this kind of thing. I guess iv got more chance of finding someone wanting to do it here! So if theres anyone interested dont be shy! ;D


Routes / Re: East Coast Greenway
« on: August 08, 2013, 08:52:31 pm »
Hi guys,
At the moment im planning on jumping on the ECG and traveling the full distance down country. Do you think its best for me to go as i have planned or should i invest in all the ACA maps, for a safer journey?
Also are there any points where i might find myself racing to a campsite before the sun goes down or are they quite frequently spread close to the route?

Thanks a lot


Aaaaah good point Dave!

Yeah its actually a 12 speed model but someone had previously put a 5 gear cassette on the back.
Even though i now spend nearly all my time in high gears, when towing a weighty trailer i may be seeking a lower gear than ever before. I guess ill have to do a trial run and if its a no go ill stop at a bike shop and get a new cassette fitted.

As you can probably tell, i havnt done much 'long distance' cycling before.

Thanks again

Hello community of adventure cyclists!!

Iv just moved to the east coast. It seems i have two months of free time before i start work so what better way to experience the great american outdoors and the east coast, than to cycle and camp it. (Im not from america)

Next week ill be getting a few bits and bobs in the post to finish up my touring checklist. Ill be heading off from maine on a dated ralleigh 10 speed with a bob yak trailing behind with my tent, food and a load of other stuff, hopefully ending up in miami several weeks from now. I was thinking of following the greenway route? Any bidders?

Can any of you experienced national travelers please advise me on areas, sites, campsites and anything else i might want to head towards and experience, to get the most of my tour of this part of america. Iv only been in the country a few months and havnt had much chance to soak it up yet. What things are a necessity to take with me that i might have forgotten. Im a 23 year old male, ill be riding solo, hopefully meeting people along the trail and in campsites. Is there a better way to meet people doing the same thing as i am?

Also, are there areas i might want to avoid finding myself stuck on a bycicle with a trailer in the middle of the night? Im kind of, just...going. Im not fully sticking to a route so its likely ill get lost quite a few times (which i dont really mind).

Now im talking about the whole span of maine to miami, any small detours inland a bit wouldnt be frowned upon.

All offers from anyone are welcome!

Thanks a lot in advance


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