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Messages - milestonerides

Pages: [1] 2
Routes / Re: Denver, CO > Rapid City, SD
« on: July 13, 2017, 12:03:53 pm »
Thank you all for your response. I'm certainly encouraged to do this ride. As for the reason why I'm riding up to Rapid City is that I am trying to make it to the Adventure Cycling Black Hills tour. I am a tour leader and will be in between 2 tours so I thought this would be another opportunity to sneak in a smaller solo tour up to South Dakota. As for hills training, I should be okay since I'll be coming off a loop around the Colorado mountains.

Routes / Denver, CO > Rapid City, SD
« on: July 04, 2017, 07:34:52 pm »
Has anybody toured from Denver, Colorado to Rapid City, South Dakota. It looks like a reasonable route at 400 miles total distance and takes you through the Mickelson Trail, which I have no idea what to expect (gravel/paved) from a quick Google Maps search. I'm planning to do this ride around August 20th week. Thanks in advance.

General Discussion / Re: leaving March 2015 long riding for fun
« on: October 23, 2014, 08:47:12 pm »
Hi James,

Will you be traveling north or south?


General Discussion / Re: Toe clips? Clipless? None of the above?
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:53:15 pm »
I personally like touring in platforms. Especially with Keen sandals. The sandals are stiff so that they don't flex as much as skate shoes like Vans which hurt over time for me. I can quickly get off my bike and go on a hike or just a walk down to the creek to waddle in water. My Keens gives me versatility to do that without bringing another pair of shoes along. If it gets cold, I put on wool socks. If it rains I usually wear no socks or have wool socks along with some waterproof socks to stay dry. It's usually a futile exercise as my sweat would soak my feet.  :-\

I've toured with clipless pedals and mountain bike pedals and cleats. They hurt my ankle and it's tough to hike with when I am pushing my bike around. YMMV.

Gear Talk / Re: Saddle Suggestion other than Brooks
« on: September 27, 2014, 07:05:19 pm »
I've heard really good things about the Terry Liberator series saddle. 

Gear Talk / Re: WoMo Designs Gadget Mounts
« on: September 27, 2014, 07:02:52 pm »
I have the mount on two of my bikes.  (You can order it through the Ortlieb website and it shows the different mounts they offer.) The light mount is specific for only a couple niterider lights (I use the 700 light).  I also have the Garmin Edge.  Unfortunately it is made only to fit a couple of different makes of equipment.  That said I really like the mount.  It is secure and it keeps my handlebar uncluttered. 

It would be nice if they made it for other equipment but that may come if they get enough requests.

Thanks @aggie.  I'm looking forward to getting my model to test.  It does look like an elegant solution to keeping your handlebar uncluttered.

Food Talk / Re: Food budgeting help
« on: September 25, 2014, 11:05:53 am »
Buy inexpensive food basics, like rice, beans, pasta and oatmeal, and add to that. $15 for one meal out should be doable depending on your tastes and where you happen to find yourself. You are not going to get a good steak for $15, but that should buy you a decent burger, fries and a good beer.

I just got back from my tour from Vancouver to San Francisco in July.  We always have some form of carbohydrates like rice, pasta, and oatmeal always ready in our panniers.  I always kept an emergency freeze dried meal just in case I needed it.  They're light and don't take up too much space.  We also ate out everyday only for lunch and cooked breakfast and dinner in camp.  We spent $1269 per person but that includes EVERYTHING like camping fees and airline fee to get us from LA to Vancouver with our bikes. We ended up spending about $40 a day.  I suppose we could have done it cheaper but we splurged a bit.  In case you're interested, I here's a blog post outlining my tour by the numbers - A Pacific Coast Bike Tour By the Numbers.

New England / Re: Boston to Providence
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:27:18 am »
@mdxix The links are great!  Thanks for your input.  I'll talk to my group and see if we are doing this path or any parts of this.

Gear Talk / Re: WoMo Designs Gadget Mounts
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:21:56 am »
I just looked up the Garmin Oregon and see what you mean by the mounting issue.  I've only been familiar with the Garmin units that were specifically made for bicycles (Touring or Edge) in which they provide their own mounting base where you insert and turn 90 degrees to lock into place.

Thanks for your feedback.

New England / Boston to Providence
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:41:38 pm »
I'm joining a group of friends on an unsupported bike tour from Boston area to Providence, RI over the Columbus Day holiday weekend. Does anybody have any suggestions where to find the best location or route to see fall foliage?  I'm from Los Angeles and have never experienced anything like this before so I'm excited to go. 

Gear Talk / WoMo Designs Gadget Mounts
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:18:51 pm »
I was at Interbike last week and met the owners of WoMo design who makes gadget mounts for dual devices like for a Garmin and GoPro.  Have anybody purchased something like this for their touring use?  I'm going to get a sample unit for a review but was wondering if anyone else has experience.  Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: National Bicycle Tourism Conference
« on: November 04, 2013, 01:48:43 am »
Thank you bogiesan for your candid response.  I'll get to see this first hand to see if this will be worth my time but I'm keeping my mind open.  I am a rider but I do want to see what are some career options out there.

DM me your name so I can give my regards to Earl.


General Discussion / National Bicycle Tourism Conference
« on: November 01, 2013, 02:01:09 am »
I'm just wondering if anybody will be attending the National Bicycling Tourism Conference ( next week.  I'll be traveling there by myself.  I actually don't know anybody but would like to meet new people if anybody is going.  I'm actually really excited about it!  I'm pretty much paying for this trip and taking time off of work to attend.  I should be in town on Tuesday afternoon if anybody would like to meet prior to the conference.  You can reach me through various social network outlets found on my blog, or DM for a cell number!


General Discussion / Re: Day Jobs?
« on: October 20, 2013, 03:23:31 am »
@freewheelingfreelancer - Thanks for presenting options.  I do realize that there are other freelance options but I definitely need to dial down on my expenses so I don't depend on my paycheck for day to day expenses.

General Discussion / Re: Day Jobs?
« on: October 10, 2013, 01:34:48 am »
Thanks for the feedback.  I was thinking about getting into a bicycling related industry where they may encourage you to take trips like this.  Is there anybody here that work for such industry or company that can provide some insight?  I am taking the Leadership Training tour through Adventure Cycling next March.  I'm just hoping I can meet like minded folks with similar goals and expectations.  I would love to be a professional ride leader but have no idea what that entails so if anybody who's done that, please chime in.


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