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Messages - cburnett1981

Pages: [1] 2
Routes / Ft. Collins CO to Curt Gowdy WY
« on: April 22, 2018, 10:46:15 pm »
Has anyone biked a route from Ft. Collins to Curt Gowdy state park WY?
We are planning to make the trip there on a Saturday and return on Sunday.  We will camp at the park. 
Google Maps routes us through Soapstone Prarie Natural Area.  Dirt roads?  Goatheads?
Any info would be helpful.

I don't benefit from a jersey when touring.   It is too much a uni-tasker,  IMHO.    When I tour I'm not in a rush so drag doesn't matter to me.   

I swear by my exoffiio long sleeve shirt.   Really thin &  cool.   Dries fast  (in dry heat I often soak it for evaporation cooling).   The buttons  make for lots of combos of ventilation ( just  top for vent but collar popped neck shade / none / ever other).. Appears like a shirt in town when I am taking a zero.   

Fwiw.   Last summer through eastern Washington state I had multiple days above 100 while touring.   

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Connecting ACA Routes / Re: N tier to Seattle to Coast route?
« on: July 09, 2014, 06:01:44 pm »
Thanks everyone.   

Connecting ACA Routes / N tier to Seattle to Coast route?
« on: July 07, 2014, 08:31:57 pm »
When I look at maps of WA  all I see is busy hwy options.   Is there any safe way to bike from Anacortes to Seattle and then Seattle to Coast route?   Guess that is two questions.   This message sent from Sandpoint ID en route.

Connecting ACA Routes / Re: N. Tier Westbound from Missoula
« on: July 03, 2014, 04:31:31 pm »
Thanks... I am hamstrung by the tapatalk app and may not be able to see user info   but I will try.   

Mine :   Casey(at)caseyburnett[] com

Connecting ACA Routes / N. Tier Westbound from Missoula
« on: July 03, 2014, 12:55:28 pm »
Any suggestions for the quickest / safest way to go Westbound on Northern Tier out of Missoula?

a)  hwy 200 to sand point id
b)  trans am to somewhere  wa 20
c) other

Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Steamboat to landers w/o rabbit ears pass
« on: June 17, 2014, 08:30:34 am »

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Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Steamboat to landers w/o rabbit ears pass
« on: June 16, 2014, 11:58:48 pm »
Oh, and is paved.

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Connecting ACA Routes / Steamboat to landers w/o rabbit ears pass
« on: June 16, 2014, 11:47:28 pm »
I am riding great parks South.  Ending in Steamboat and thinking that I can continue to trans America...  Is there a road route to landers / rawlins wy...  From Steamboat that wouldn't include me heading back up rabbit ears pass?

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Gear Talk / Re: Roadside repair knowledge list?
« on: May 31, 2014, 04:35:06 pm »
Thanks all.   I had done some research and frequently just found tool lists.   This list gives a reason for the tools.   

Biking will be the novel part of my journey,  I have my camping skills relatively dialed for my comfort zone and needs.

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Gear Talk / Roadside repair knowledge list?
« on: May 30, 2014, 09:26:34 pm »
On a transAm tour what are the most likely roadside repairs / bike maintenance skills I should have knowledge of before heading out?

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Gear Talk / Re: Cassette 11x32,34,36? With 50x34 crankset
« on: May 12, 2014, 09:43:50 pm »
@Bglaser  thx

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Gear Talk / Re: Cassette 11x32,34,36? With 50x34 crankset
« on: May 09, 2014, 07:55:56 pm »
Thanks for all this input.   I have flagstaff as a possible training ride  in next few weeks.     

@daveb   yes,  I  am aware of other components that will be replaced.   

@John Nelson  thanks for the route feedback.   While I know there are many variables to consider I'm glad you could speak to Rabbit Rara pass.    I'm most concerned about the pass heading west from Yellowstone. 

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Gear Talk / Cassette 11x32,34,36? With 50x34 crankset
« on: May 08, 2014, 10:15:37 pm »
Hello.   I'm planning Boulder Co to seaside via  Missoula starting June 15.

I have a charge filter hi 2012 cross bike that I have used for weekend self support trips.   It has 11x28 and standard compact crankset 50x34.   

Reading through past forum post fear and uncertainty have me in their relentless and expensive grips now.  From what I gather in this forum I need at least an 11 by 32.   @ my LBS I was offered a mtn cassette anywhere 11x32,34,36.    Thoughts?

FYI : On my past trips with bike set as it is I did a loop in North Colorado Rockies.   Stagecoach sp  to Gore pass (35miles) to top of Rabbit Ears Pass (30 miles) from South heading north on hwy 40 then 25 back to Stagecoach.    Personally the descent from Rabbit Ears was more taxing than ascending (as im not sure my verdict on 160mm mechanical disc brakes)

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Gear Talk / Re: Saddle Suggestion other than Brooks
« on: May 08, 2014, 09:49:52 pm »
I am a daily bike commuter anx my bike lives in the wild.   From my reading Brooks need TLC.   That's not my style.   

I consider my shorts  (performance elite bibs -  new in February)  and they are great so far.   

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