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Messages - sandwiches

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Newton Bike Shop in Newton, KS is a good place to plan a rest day!

Gillian's property in Ordway, CO, is a good place to check out for an overnight as well. She will ask that you help out for a little bit on her land (I had to pull nails from a few boards) in exchange for letting you stay in her spare trailer but you get to hang out with a bunch of farm animals. She is on

The church/bike hostel in Hutchinson, KS is also a really splendid place to stay for free.

Food Talk / Re: vegetarian trek on the transamerica?
« on: December 10, 2014, 05:25:33 pm »
Ooh I almost forgot! A really good high-calorie vegan food is Ultralight Joe's Moose Goo, but replace the honey with brown rice syrup and spread it on tortillas. It got me through many a bike tour and backpacking trip.

Food Talk / Re: vegetarian trek on the transamerica?
« on: December 08, 2014, 07:44:49 pm »
Aside from what has already been mentioned regarding ditching cans for freezer bags when it comes to beans, try instant boil-in-bag rice and couscous, which doesn't even need to cook. Just let it soak in cold water for 45 minutes and it's edible. Dry lentils also cook up in like 15 minutes, which doesn't take up much fuel. I like to take a little container of olive oil with me to add some fat to my meals. Also, McDonald's only cooks their fries in vegetable oil and is required (by, like, McDonald's franchise rules) to use a separate deep-fryer for ONLY fries. They've been a welcome treat on tours before.

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