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Messages - crichman

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Bear safety on the GDMBR
« on: October 23, 2020, 02:48:21 pm »
On my southbound trip I also hung my drybag with all my smelly things.  Including an odor-proof bag inside your stuff sack can reduce odors noticeably, though ultimately nothing really escapes a bear's nose.  Hanging was an option throughout most of the trip, save some of the drier and more southern bits outside of normal grizzly range.  Be sure to hang from relatively slender branches high enough and far enough from the tree trunk - many folks don't.

Informal campsites on the Divide are often near rivers.  The dropping your bear hang from the bridge over the river can be a convenient alternative.

Do carry bear spray and keep it immediately accessible to you on and off your bike.


Routes / GDMBR 2019 video for your armchair travel pleasure
« on: May 11, 2020, 03:41:18 pm »
This is what it looked like to me on my recumbent. 

It was a terrific experience, but fair warning, one of my companions was run down by a motorist just 1 day short of the Mexican border. 

Ride safe.

Charlie Richman

Routes / Recumbents on the GDMBR
« on: October 02, 2019, 03:09:37 pm »
Heidi rode the Divide on a trike ages ago. I just completed Banff to Antelope Wells on my Azub Six, a two-wheeled recumbent.

Has anyone else completed this trip self-contained on a loaded, two-wheeled recumbent?

Details about my trip are at rblog.
Please note that I was riding with Mike Rachelson and Warren Netherton nearly to the end, but Mike was struck and killed on the way to Hachita after all the hard riding was complete, just 63 miles from the border. Adventure Cycling has set up a donation page in Mike’s memory.

Charlie Richman

Gear Talk / Re: Marathon Supremes...
« on: April 04, 2018, 01:17:19 pm »
Zero flats with my 26x1.6 Supremes on my 2016 TransAm self-supported camping tour.  Just a couple in 4,000 miles or so of urban commuting.

They've got lousy traction in off-road mud, but that's not what they're really for. 

They're a delight and recommended without reservation.


Routes / Food, Bears, and the GDMBR
« on: March 25, 2018, 11:17:25 am »
I'm perplexed.  It looks like racers and others on the GDMBR route often have food stashed in multiple nooks and crannies on their 29ers.  How does that work in bear country?  I've always kept my food contained in one or more bags that could be hung properly (and made it my practice to do so.)  I can't figure how folks are doing this safely.

I'm no racer.   I'm considering a future GDMBR ride on an Azub 6 fully-suspended recumbent - very likely a slow one.  What should I be planning for food safety?  On past trips I've used separate bags for food and kitchen gear and hung them every night.  I haven't ditched my cooking/eating clothes distant from my tent before, but then I haven't camped in the back country either...

Thanks folks,


I'm planning an E-W trip this summer.  I'd love to take my Trangia 27 alcohol stove and leave the cartridge gas conversion burner at home, but I worry about bans on alcohol stoves in the West.  Anybody know where along the TA alcohol stoves have really been problematic? 

As an alternative I could leave the spirit burner home and use gas cartridges for the whole trip, but I don't much like worrying about where I'll be able to find 'em en route.


General Discussion / Locks for a solo Trans-Am camping tour?
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:22:37 pm »
I've toured and camped, but not solo.  Without that second set of eyes I wonder if there's a need for a mini U-lock instead of my traditional (and mostly symbolic) 3/16" featherweight cable and tiny padlock.  I'm planning an E-W ride starting near the end of May.

Are there any places in particular on the Trans-Am where I might want that heavier lock?

My recumbent and I might land in Missoula in time for the Montana Bike Celebration.  I always worry about bike thefts where there are a lot of bikes...


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