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Messages - Maciej

Pages: [1]
GPS & Digital Data Discussion / Re: Open Street Map?
« on: July 06, 2017, 06:34:47 am »
Hi, the topic was last discussed in 2013. In digital era this means we might be in a different dimention now with GPS devices and OSM features.

My question is: has OSM improved navigate to the address feature?

I am starting my adventure with GPS Oregon 450 and OSM. So far, I noticed that the maps are quite detailed (enough for me neighbourhood) but it is still difficult to enter a certain address and just start navigating.

Did I miss some of the instructions?

Thank you Mike for sharing your knowledge with other cyclist. A very good springboard for further studies on my Oregon.

Hello everybody,
we are a family from Poland who is planning a one year bike trip around USA.
We will be starting in Chicago and following the Northern Tier East bound towards Bar Harbour.
Then we would like to take the Atlantic Coast down to St Augustine.
In the fall we would like to cover Southern Trier to San Diego.
In the spring we would like to start from San Diego and follow Pacific Coast to Astoria.
And in the summer we want to head towards Chicago following the Lewis and Clark and Northern Tirer.

I know it might look crazy. We spent one year cycling around Europe in 2010-2011 when our kids were 3 and 5 years old.

I just bought a second hand Oregon 450.
I know nothing about the Garmin GPS devices.
I would be very grateful if you guys could help me plan our route and answer a few questions that I have got to find the answer to.

1) to make this 20 000 km ride much easier to navigate, I am planning to use my Oregon 450 together with ACA paper maps.
the total cost of the paper maps is circa 300 USD
plus the AC membership 45 USD
plus Digital Data for the GPS 120 USD
plus City Navigator North America 80 USD
which makes 550 USD.
Do you have any second hand offers for the paper maps?
If yes, where could I find them.
I know I will have to buy the membership and my own map sets digital together with City Navigator

2) Why is US cycle map not comptible with Oregon 450? What is the difference between th US Cycle map and City Navigator NT?

3) If I buy either City Navigator or US Cycle map, will I be able to view the maps (together with the added ACA routes) on my tablet with Android system? If yes, what is a good app to do so? Can I load my Cycle US map into my tablet? Or I connect my Oregon to a tablet and then can view the larger scale map.

4) I am a very active member of Warmshowers. Is there any application that can add warmshower hosts as POIs on my GPS?

5) I will need a sim card with the Internet. In Europe, if I go to France for expamle, I just buy a local simcard and use the Internet with my Adnroid phone. Can you reccommend an affordable Internet provider that I can use during my trip with the coverage of the routes mentioned above.

I would be very grateful for any hints.
If you folks need any advice on planning your trip in Europe, I will be more than happe to help you out.
Best regards
Maciej and family

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